Chapter 8 "AND We're Friends Once Again"

Start from the beginning

"Good luck, my Raven", Velvet chirped flying away.

    I quickly walked forward and everybody was acting a bit... weird. People were staring at me, not with disgust, hatred, or for intimidation. Just with a blank stare, almost confused. The atmosphere even seemed kind of nostalgic and airy, but very quiet. I heard snickering now and then, and some talking, but I still felt very suspicious about the whole thing. People started pointing at me and it confused me so much. As soon as I reached my locker I almost slipped from the water on the ground, wait water? I followed the trail and my locker was leaking water from the inside. Oh no.

    I put in my combination and stepped to the side preparing myself for the flood. I opened it and a full load of water came out spilling out notes of threats in different handwriting like, "DIE", "Kill yourself already", "Your mom and dad don't like you either", "Lose a couple pounds or I could help by slicing you up"; you know, the usual. But one caught my eye and I just knew it was from Luca.

"This is war".

    I was in so much shock that I didn't realize a whole group of people cornered around me. They were all laughing, pointing, yelling, threatening me, insulting me, throwing vulgar comments at me, but it kind of helped me come back to reality realizing that none of the stuff in my locker was there. So I stood there pondering on where they could be, and I thought they would probably want them almost destroyed but not completely so they couldn't get in trouble, so........ The trash cans!

    Ignoring the crowd, I pushed through and the first place I ran to was the cafeteria. I check every single trash can and finally found my books in the very last one and thank god someone only threw salad in here. From behind I could here people calling me trash picker and crap, But I really didn't care. Despite the students stupidity I put my trashed books into my bag and walked out.

    Things were getting thrown at me, people were trying to trip me, and somebody full on pushed me to the mother flippin ground! Like what the fuck! I mess one popular kid, ONE! And no the whole school goes all WW3 on me?! Now everybody's raging like I just offended the president, bunch of bullshit!!!!

"Oh look who it is", someone sneered.

    I know who this is and I really don't wanna look up, but I just know I have to.

"Why if it isn't little old Raven", Lila smiled.

"Long time no see", Gina laughed.

    I stared at them for a minute and then walked the fuck around.

"Hey, stop!", Gina yelled.

    I stopped and turned around even though I really should've just kept going.

"We heard what happened and we are here to warn you that this whole school including us is gonna make your life a fucking hell storm", Gina smirked.

"Watch your back".

"Because you guys haven't accomplished that already", I sighed.

    They started annoyingly giggling and walked away towards the girls bathroom. I hate those too so damn much. They've tortured me since Elementary and now that the whole school is after me, so are they. Great just great could life get any worse! I heard the bell chime and took out my phone looking the time. And now I'm late, fuck my life. I ran down the hall hoping my first period didn't start yet. Mom, school sucks and so do people. 



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