Chapter 1: Willamina

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*In this book 4 years pass before Sherlock comes back to London

            Sibley sighed as she walked out of her office and into the cold London air. It was late and while she knew she should go home and get some sleep, especially since there was still a case to solve, but she had adopted her father's horrid sleep schedule and instead she walked into her favorite 24 hour diner and ordered a black coffee. That night would be spent like most others, pouring over photos and interviews and trying to find the truth. After all, she had experience in detective work that gave her an edge when hunting down stories and she owed it to all the people her father wasn't saving anymore to at least warn them of what's out there.

When she got back to her flat she threw her keys onto the coffee table by the sofa and eased into Sherlocks old chair with a file in hand. As she was flipping through the pages her mobile began to vibrate. She scrunched her eyebrows when she saw that John was calling. It was 1:15 in the morning, he was usually in bed by that time. Her mind immediately went to the worst as she answered.

"Hey is everything okay? Is Willamina alright?"

"Yeah, she's fine. I just need to talk to you about something. Sibley, love, I'm on my way to your flat." he said. She set the file beside her and stood up to put the kettle on, just by the tone of his voice she knew they were going to need it, especially since she had already finished her coffee.

"Why? What's wrong?" she asked.

"I'll tell you when I get there," he said.

"O-kay, I guess I'll see you soon then." she said.

"Bye, Sib." with that he hung up and she was left once again in silence. Her mind began to race with horrible scenarios. It wasn't Willamina but it had to be someone else. Something had happened to Mrs. Hudson. Something had happened to Mary. Something had happened to Mycroft. Something had happened to Lestrade despite the fact that she had just seen him.

Her mind was still reeling when there was a quick knock on the door. She rushed over to open it to find John standing there holding a three year old asleep on his shoulder. Sibley softly took her daughter from the man and went to lay her down in her bedroom.

Willamina Joan Holmes was born right before Sibley turned 19. She had been in a not so good relationship with a not so good man. He was long out of the picture but Willamina was the light of Sibley's life. She was the only reason Sibley didn't regret every decision she made during that time. She looked almost exactly like her mother did at that age, save a few differences.

"Here," she passed John a mug of tea after laying her daughter down and he thanked her as he sat down on her couch. She settled back into her favorite chair.

"Okay. Tell me." she demanded, desperate for an answer. John ran a hand down his face, whatever he had to say wasn't good and it was times like this she actually missed her father's lack of empathy, she would already know what had happened. Though she loved John and he was human, a human that loved her and was just trying to protect her.

"Listen, Lestrade called. I really don't know how to say this... Your mother had a heart attack."

Sibley froze at the revelation. After a couple of years in prison for drug abuse and child neglect Breanna Lawrence fell right back into old habits only worse. It didn't take long for her to end up back behind bars but Sibley hadn't even spoken to her since that one visit shortly after she was imprisoned the first time so it didn't bother her. As far as she was concerned her mother was out of her life. Still, death was different than imprisonment. Her mother was truly gone now. What scared her the most about John's revelation, was the relief she felt. She should be crying. She should be sad and confused but instead it was as if a tension she hadn't noticed had vanished from her shoulders.

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