-;; chapter ONE

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-;; note: this chapter will be written in third person.

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[ twitter update (kenma) content: I'll be streaming later at 6pm! stay tuned, keneko puddings! ]

[ twitter update (kenma) content: I'll be streaming later at 6pm! stay tuned, keneko puddings! ]

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"ami-chan, my mom needs me home early today. i can't join the karaoke later." (y/n) said while typing something in her phone.

[ twitter update (y/n) content: good evening, my dear apples! appurupai will stream a new game later at 9pm! please stay tuned! ] she posted in her twitter account.

[ twitter update (y/n) content: good evening, my dear apples! appurupai will stream a new game later at 9pm! please stay tuned! ] she posted in her twitter account

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"ehhhh, but you promised." Ami pouted and crosses her arms.

"gomene. I'll make it up to you, okay? i'll treat you tomorrow." y/n smiled at her and pats Ami's shoulder.

"really? that's a promise, mhm?" Ami asked reassuring her friend's words.

"yes. bye bye!" y/n replied as she step out from the room.

"bye!" her friend bid farewell.


(y/n) is happily skipping in her way home while humming a music tune from one of her games.

her home from school is not far so she reached her place after a few minutes.

She opened the gate and searches the key for the front door in the pot beside the pillar, she inserted and turned it then went in.

"i'm home." she muttered silently but no one answered.

It became a habit of hers, she's still saying that sentence even her parents died 3 years ago. She doesn't have any siblings for her supposed to be brother or sister died with their parents.

Her relatives insisted that they'll take care of her but she turned them down and told them that she decided to live alone and become independent at the young age of 15. She lives off from her parents' inheritance and with her money from streaming.

She went inside her room and opened her desktop to scroll in her social media.


5:30 pm. She still has a half hour until her favorite gamer's stream will start.

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