Comenzar desde el principio

So, on this super busy way into the town there were only stop signs. It was also only a two way stop, not a four way stop. Normally they avoided this place at all costs, but today everyone was tired and they figured it would be fine. No big accidents had happened here anyways. 

Virgil pulled up to the stop sign and watched the road intently. No one was coming. Virgil hit the gas as he tried to pass. A large truck with one of those gasoline things on its back came barreling around the corner much faster than it should have been going. Virgil turned and saw said truck and tried to gas it for the other side, but he wasn't fast enough. The truck smashed into the right side of the car where Patton was and sent the car flying off the road into a nearby ditch. 

The car tumbled over, and over, and over until it came to a stop upside down. The three people on the inside were all out like a light, some more injured than others. Thankfully, since it was a busy intersection people saw it happen and called 911. The ambulance and police arrived shortly. 

- - || - -

Roman woke up alone in a white hospital room. Although there was a blue curtain like thing around wherever he was lying. Eh, he wasn't really sure and he certainly didn't feel like trying to figure it out. Wait. Everything came back to the Prince. The amusement park, the car ride, and.... the car crash. Everything seemed fuzzy, but he knew he needed to make sure his boyfriends were okay. 

"Hello?" He called out. His voice was crackly and it kind of hurt to talk, but that's probably because he was on pain-killer meds or whatever else. From what he could see his right leg was in a cast, as was his left arm. His head had some bandages around him, as did his sides. Well, if that many things were in bandages then he was probably severely hurt. This means his boyfriends could be worse than this. That was not a reassuring thought. "Hello?" He asked again.

This time a nurse appeared through the blue veil around his bed. Though, again, it was less of a veil, more of a curtain. "You're awake!" They called out with happiness in their voice. I gave a slight smile. "How are you feeling? Is anything in pain?" They asked, as they looked around at my bandages to make sure they were all done properly. "Also, I'm Nurse Rel. My pronouns are they/them, please." 

I nodded. "Nothing hurts." The nurse scribbled something down on a clipboard and looked back at me, noticing the expression as if I wanted to ask a question on my face. "Where are Patton and Virgil?" I asked, hesitantly. The Nurse Rel's expression grew sad, and the previously shining light in their eyes dulled down to nothing. "No... nonono. This can't be happening. No!" I yelled, half out of shock and half out of denial. 

"I'm so sorry for your loss." The nurse said. My heart shattered. The two loves of my life were gone forever. That damn truck and its driver had stolen their lives from them without any regards for how we planned to live our life. I let the tears spill from my eyes. "We can help you plan the funeral as soon as you are up and moving again." I nodded, and let the tears continue to spill. 

- -|| - -

Roman stood in front of the side by side graves of his two fallen lovers. He preferred the term fallen because it made them sound so much more heroic than if he said they died. With the term 'fallen' it made them sound like they died in a battle for life and death, and he loved that. The two of them had normal headstones, but there were flowers beside each of them. Patton had red roses and light blue roses, while Virgil had a variety mix of a bunch of different types of black and purple flowers. 

"I should have been able to save you all, or died with you. I wasn't able to though and now you both are dead, and I'm alive. I feel so bad... I should have been able to save you." Roman sighed and sat down on the grass in front of both of their graves. "It's okay... I'll be with you eventually." He then thought maybe they got the wrong idea from that. "No, no. I'm not going to end it, but I will be with you guys eventually." Roman relaxed, glad that they probably have the right idea now. 

Tears ran down his face, going from his eyes, to his cheeks, then dropping off his chin onto his vibrant red hoodie with a yellow crown on it. "I miss you both so much..." Roman cried. "I love you." With that Roman turned around and left the graveyard. 

He visited the graveyard everyday for a couple months, apologizing that he couldn't save them as he mourned over the loss of his loved ones. Eventually, Remus and his boyfriend Logan convinced Roman that he had to continue living his life, so that is what Roman did. He tried out for multiple acting roles until he got one. He built his life up from there, one movie role at a time.

Finally, one day, Roman was able to star in a movie and it was wonderful. With a lot of playing the director's favorite he was able to get the end screen to say "In Loving Memory Of Patton Hearte and Virgil Pancita." Roman fulfilled his mission. 

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Word Count: 1554

Written on... uh... 10/?/2020 and 10/15/2020. 

Whumptober 2020 | Sanders SidesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora