Form for judges

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So you want to be a judge?

There will be two judges for each genre. 

Here is the form for the judges:-

😈 Wattpad username

😈 Genres you want to judge

😈Genres you don't judge

😈Have you ever judged any awards before?



Submit your form in the respective genre here in the comments:-

🧙‍♂️Fantasy (1/3)

🧙‍♂️Romance (3/3)Entries closed.

🧙‍♂️Horror/Paranormal (1/3)

🧙‍♂️Fanfiction (2/3)

🧙‍♂️Action/Adventure (1/3)

🧙‍♂️Poetry/Short story (0/3)

🧙‍♂️Mystery/Thriller (3/3) Entries closed.

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