New Friends

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the next morning you hear a familiar voice running towards you.

Kokichi: "Hey y/n! Nihehe!"

Y/n: "Oh hey, Kokichi!"


Y/n: "Hello, Shuichi!"

We all walked together and before we knew it we were at the school.

I sat in class spacing out then I had an idea!


Y/n: "Hey, Kokichi!"

Y/n: "Hello, Shuichi!"

Kokichi:"Oh! Hey, y/n!"

Shuichi: "Hello y/n"

You sat down at the table

Y/n: "so I had an idea since we're going to have a lot of homework tonight I wanted to ask you guys if you wanted to come over for a little sleepover!"

Kokichi: "Ooh! That sounds really fun! Nehehe!"

Shuichi: "I'm okay with it but are your parents going to be okay with us coming over tonight?"

Y/n: "I'm sure they won't care if it's for studying and homework."

Y/n: "so are you guys down?"

Kokichi: "Yup!~"

Shuichi: "sure."

The bell rings and so we head to our classes and before we know it, school was out for the weekend.

Kokichi, Shuichi, and you went your guy's separate ways so you guys could grab the stuff you guys needed.

Ding Dong

Y/n: "Coming!"

You open the door to see Kokichi and Shuichi at the door with their stuff in hand.

You let them in and your parents come out.

"Oh! Hello honey!" Your mom says

Y/n:"Hello, mom, dad."

Mom: "Who are these people?"

You stop and look at them for a quick second and you look back at your mother.

Kokichi: "Hello y/n's parents! I'm Kokichi Oma! Nehehe!"

Shuichi: "And I'm Shuichi Saria. Nice to meet you."

Mom: "Hello Shuichi, and hello Kokichi!"

You started to walk upstairs and gestured them to follow. They dropped off their stuff by the couch and sat down by the coffee table.

We took out our homework and got to work Immediately.

—After a few hours—

Y/n: "So, what do you guys wanna do?"

Shuichi: "anything is fine."

Kokichi: "how about a scary movie!"

Shuichi: " I'm fine with that. What about you y/n?"

Shuichi notices that your face looks kinda scared but you try to hide it.

Y/n: "S-sure."

Shuichi: "y/n are yo-"

Y/n: "I'll get the movies..!"

You try to hide that your scared because you weren't always a big fan of scary movies..

Kokichi: "how about this one?"

He picks up a DVD with a scary photo for the cover.

You weren't as excited as Kokichi was but to tried to act like it.

He puts the DVD in and the movie starts.

Kokichi was sitting next to you and Shuichi was laying down with a blanket on top of him.

30 minutes in you jump in fright and latched onto Kokichi's sleeve and hide your face from the TV.

Shuichi doesn't notice but Kokichi does.

Kokichi puts his arms around you and he looks down at you and you look up at him and he giggles a little bit and smile warmly.

You realize what you had done and you start to blush a lot so you barred your face in his chest has he hugs you. You start to drift off and soon you fall asleep in him arms..

I love you... ( Kokichi X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now