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" Oh my god, did I get hit by a car last night and we just didn't tell me?" Wynonna whines as she walks into the kitchen. " Yeah, sorry. Nicole let me drive" Rachel teases taking a sip from her water. Wynonna crashes down into a chair and rests her head on the table. Nicole walks over to the table and places food, water, and two Advil in front of Wynonna. Nicole retreats back to her spot next to me and we watch Wynonna move slower than a sloth to get the pain medicine.
" You ready for another show?" I whisper over to Nicole. She just looks at me and nods then turns her attention to her phone. Wynonna continues to make more of a racket, Rachel having to shield her face multiple times.
Nicole gently sets her fork down and pushes away from the table. " You okay?" I ask concerned. " Yeah. I'll just be right back" Nicole turns and jogs up the stairs. I look back at Wynonna and Rachel who aren't really paying attention. Getting up from my seat, I walk out of the kitchen and up to my room. When I open the door, Nicole is throwing on her running stuff. " What's going on?" Nicole looks at me and shrugs then sits on the bed to tie her shoes. " Nothing, I am just going on a run" I cross my arms and look at her disbelievingly, " Nicole" I step closer to her. She sighs loudly, " That was a text from Nedley. The police academy wants me for this prestigious training program they do every winter." Nicole rambles out. " What?! Baby that's amazing!" I shriek with excitement which quickly disappears when I see that Nicole looks like she is going to burst into tears. " I leave two days after closing night" She says, her head hanging down. My heart breaks a little. " For how long?" I ask. " Until mid-march. I won't go if you don't want me to." Nicole finally makes eye contact. " Nicole, this is your dream. I love you and we will be okay. I promise" Nicole's eyes go wide. My mind freezes as I realize what I just said. Nicole has tears forming in her eyes. " I love you too and those are the truest words I will ever say" Nicole stands to her feet and grabs me, placing a kiss on my lips. " Sooo can I go on your run with you?" Nicole chuckles at my question, " Always but don't be sad if I leave you in my dust" I roll my eyes at Nicole's antics then grab a change of clothes and head down towards the bathroom.

After Waverly leaves the room I practically fly down the stairs. Wynonna and Rachel are where we left them. " Waverly and I just said I love you for the first time" I say like an eager little kid. Rachel's face lights up and Wynonna just flashes a quick thumbs up. " Also I am moving to Toronto in a week" I blurt out. Wynonna looks at me stunned, her fork dropping to the table. " What?! You got into the training program?!" Wynonna yells then places a hand on her head and groans. " Congrats Nicole" Rachel chimes in. I thank them as I hear Waverly coming down the stairs. " Ready?" She asks in her bubbly tone. " Yep. We will see you guys soon and Rachel, keep Wynonna safe please" Rachel nods her head in understanding then Waverly and I head out of the house.
I am drenched in sweat by the time we get back to Gus's. Waverly gave up on the run about 10 minutes before we got back so I had to carry her the rest of the way. Waverly hops down off of me then trudges up the steps to the front door. Two seconds after I walk into the house, I am blindsided by a football being launched directly at my face. I hear Waverly yell at Wynonna then grabs my arm to steady me. I pull my hand away and there is a heavy amount of blood. " Sorry Haught" Wynonna says while running in with handfuls of paper towels. I don't have time to think before my vision is taken away by the towels. While I was in pain, a feeling of sadness washes over me. How was I going to leave this for three months?

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