Accidents Happen

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It's been about 3 weeks since Nicole and I started dating and I couldn't be happier. Right now we were at rehearsals doing full run throughs of the Musical. The show opens in less than a month and tensions are high. The set was finally put together but I was seriously questioning the stability of the large bridge/walkway that took up the entire back half of the stage. The floor was steel grates which looked really cool with lights flowing through them but it looked terrifying. Everyone was in the wings waiting for Nicole to do her big scene and song. I peek out from behind the curtain so I can watch her. Wynonna and the other ensemble members take their places. You can hear the stairs to the bridges creak as Nicole bounds up them. She runs out to her place when there is a loud creak. Before anyone, including Nicole, could register what was happening. The grate that Nicole was standing on gives way and sends her crashing down about 12 feet to the ground. Silence falls as Nicole's body slams to the stage. Wynonna is the first one by her side, I am a close second. Nicole is lying on her side clutching her arm, " Baby are you okay?" I ask. She doesn't answer, I just hear her groan in pain. Mr. Holiday comes rushing over to us, his phone pressed to his ear. Nicole rolls over on her back and I can see the tears falling down her face. I quickly wipe them away with my thumb while keeping her calm.
After what feels like a lifetime, paramedics come bursting through the theatre doors, Wynonna helps me up and we back away so they can help Nicole. The paramedics slowly put Nicole on a stretcher then begin to push towards the doors that lead outside. Wynonna jogs over to one of the EMT's and starts to converse with him. She turns back to me, " I'm gonna ride with Nicole!" she calls out. I was bummed I couldn't be with Nicole in the ambulance but Wynonna is 18 so it makes sense that she is the one to go. " Okay everyone, rehearsal is over! We meet back tomorrow" Mr. Holiday announces. I watch as everyone walks off the stage and grabs their bags. My heart feels like it could burst out of my chest, pulling out my phone, I call Aunt Gus and tell her everything that happened. " I am on my way", Aunt Gus says before I hang up the phone. My backpack is the only one left in the audience when I get to it. My phone buzzes with a text alert. It's Aunt Gus, dang she got here fast. I throw my backpack over my shoulder and jog out the backdoors of the theatre. The cold air hits me when I step outside. I pull my jacket closer to my face and practically sprint to Aunt Gus's car. Once I am settled in, we speed off to the hospital. Wynonna texted me while we were in the car telling me where to go.

Aunt Gus parks in a spot near the emergency room entrance. We walk in together and find Wynonna sitting in the waiting room. " Is she okay?" I blurt out. " Her arm is shattered, other than that she has no injuries" Wynonna replies sadly. Just as I was going to say something, a doctor came out into the waiting room. She walks over to Wynonna, " Miss Haught is ready, do you have a guardian to discharge her?" she asks. Wynonna points over to Aunt Gus who steps forward proudly. The doctor leads us back and takes us through a series of hallways until she stops in front of a room. " We had to give her some pain meds so she might be a little loopy" Wynonna and I nod as Gus disappears with the Doctor. Wynonna opens the door to a dimly lit room. Nicole is lying on the bed with a dark blue cast that stops halfway up her left forearm. I walk over to her bedside and place a kiss on her forehead. Nicole starts to stir and her eyes open slightly, " Hey" I whisper. " Hi" she raspily says. Nicole's eyes open a bit more and she becomes aware of her surroundings. She begins to play with my hair, " You have such soft hair" she says with a dopey smile. I couldn't contain my laughter. Wynonna stands in the corner of the room with her phone pointed at us. Nicole looks over at Wynonna, " Ohhh my gosh Wynonna, I looooveee youuuu" she slurs out. She sounds like she drank too much but it was cute. " Hey there haughstuff, don't worry, when we get out of here, I am gonna draw a bunch of dicks on your cast" Wynonna pats Nicole on the shoulder. Nicole's eyes light up " Thats soo sweet". Wynonna and I can't stop laughing at how out of it Nicole is. There is a knock on the door then Gus pokes her head in. " She's all signed out, you guys ready to go?" I nod then Wynonna and I help Nicole get out of bed. She's doing surprisingly well on her feet but Wynonna and I still stand on either side of her just to make sure she doesn't fall. When we get into the car, Nicole starts to nod off. She looked adorable trying to keep her eyes open. I grab her hand and she looks at me with love in her eyes. " You're so pretty, you know," she says a little too loudly. I giggle then thank her. We spend the rest of the ride home in silence.

Ugghh breaking your arm hurts like hell. I started to regain my surroundings when we stopped outside of Gus's house. Waverly helps me unbuckle my seat belt then Wynonna opens my door and assists me in getting out of the car. With each step, I get more and more exhausted. Entering the house, Curtis comes out of the living room, " Couch is all set up" he tells us. Wynonna leads me to the couch which has been decked out with blankets and pillows. I sit down forcefully and fall back into the pillow. Waverly comes over and takes off my shoes, thank god I wore sweatpants today. " Try and get some sleep sweetie" Waverly kisses my forehead. She didn't have to tell me twice. I was knocked out within 30 minutes of closing my eyes.

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