Cast Party

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My body feels like it is going to stop functioning at any second. We just finished our first show and everyone was out greeting their friends and family who attended. Meanwhile, I stayed back after saying hi to Gus and getting pictures with Waverly. Now I am on the floor chugging water for the second time tonight. My shirt is stuck to my back and my cast is soaked which makes it a thousand times more uncomfortable. The commotion outside lets me know Wynonna is about to come bursting through the doors. I quickly get up, " HAUGHT!!! YOU READY FOR THE CAST PARTY?!" Wynonna screams at me. Throwing my hand over her mouth, I nod in agreement. The cast party was going to be insane and I was not ready.

Wynonna parks the truck down the street from Mitchell Evan's house. There are kids in massive groups walking through the back gate. Waverly's hand is linked with mine as we walk down the dark road towards the party. Rachel disappears almost immediately with Wynonna when we step through the back gate. Rachel probably is trying to find her friend Billy and Wynonna, no doubt, is trying to find the alcohol. There was a bonfire in the middle of the yard, a group of kids surrounding it making smores or standing with their hands in their pockets and chatting away. Waverly and I find a couple chairs and sit down. " How do you feel?" Waverly looks at me, her face incredibly red from the cold. To be honest I didn't know how I felt. It was a mixture of pure exhaustion and adrenaline. " Tonight was fun. I am excited for the rest of the shows" I flash a smile. " Well I am going to go get a drink, you want anything?" Waverly stands to her feet. I nod no because I am already full from the gallons of water and gatorade I had inhaled. Waverly walks towards the house then disappears.

The inside of the house is crowded by crew and cast members. I politely make my way through the dozens of bodies until I reach the drink table. I pour myself some water, not really wanting alcohol at the moment. I spot Wynonna talking to Rachel and some boy. She had a huge drink in her hand and kept taking long sips from it periodically. I didn't want to leave Nicole alone for too long though so I got my water and head back outside.
Nicole is where I left her, shivering in her seat. " Do you want to go inside?" I ask her. " No, I'm okay" Nicole looks up at me with dark eyes. She looked exhausted. I sit in my seat and take small sips from my water. Nicole and I talked about different things but I was so caught up in the fact that she looked like she hasn't slept in two weeks.

After a couple of hours outside, Nicole and I give up and go into the house. The warmth immediately begins to thaw our frozen bodies. I hear yelling coming from the living room, it sounds like Rachel. Nicole takes off immediately, me not too far behind. The party was dead silent as everyone stood still watching an aggressive Billy trying to make advances towards Rachel. Wynonna was slumped in the corner, drunk off her ass. Nicole steps in front of Rachel, forming a shield. " Don't touch her" Nicole warns pushing Billy back. Billy just scoffs and walks away, a couple of his friends following him. Nicole turns around as Rachel falls into her arms. I walk over and wrap my arms around both of them. Poor Rachel has been through enough, " I think we should head home" I say softly to Nicole. " yeah, you take Rachel out to the car. I will deal with Wynonna" Nicole hands Rachel off to me then walks over and crouches down in front of Wynonna.


" Time to go home" I say slowly to a visibly drunk Wynonna. " You're- gonna have to make me" she slurs out, pointing her cup aggressively at me. " Alright. We will do it this way" I careful stand Wynonna to her feet then throw her over my shoulder. " Woah whiplash" Wynonna groans " Oh my god, Nicole. Your ass looks amazing in these pants" I can feel Wynonna's hands on my butt. " Stop touching my ass Wynonna" I scolded. " Oh yeah, I forgot that is Waverly's job" Wynonna erupts into a fit of laughter. " Oh dear lord" I say to myself as I walk out of the house with Wynonna slung over me.
Waverly looks at me bewildered as I approach the truck, " It's the only way I could get her out" I explain. Rachel and Waverly just nod as if this all makes sense. I set Wynonna onto her feet and she immediately leans on the truck for support while Waverly grabs the keys from her jacket. After the truck is unlocked, I struggle to get Wynonna into the backseat. Rachel has to help by pulling Wynonna onto the seat from the other side of the car. Once everyone is situated, I hop into the driver's seat. " So what happened with Billy? I thought you two liked each other" Wynonna somehow manages to say. Rachel sighs. " I don't know. He just got aggressive with me and grabbed my arm really hard. That's why I yelled" Rachel wipes at her face. Waverly chimes in, " I'm sorry. Boys are stupid". " Which is why you're a lesbian" Wynonna points her fingers at Waverly. I can't contain my laughter.


It took 45 minutes for Nicole to get Wynonna out of the car. Once again, she was forced to carry Wynonna in her arms. I hold the door open and gasp loudly as Nicole bonks Wynonna's head on the door frame, " Jesus Nicole, I hope you don't have to rescue people" Wynonna complains.
We all make our way upstairs, Rachel disappearing into her room. I stop in front of my room and look back at Nicole, " I'll be in soon, just gotta put her to bed" Nicole smiles as she carries Wynonna down the hall, " Has anyone ever told you that you're beautiful?" I hear Wynonna ask. I shake my head and go into my room.
It's been an hour and a half and Nicole still hasn't come to bed. I get up and quietly walk down towards Wynonna's room. When I open the door, my heart melts. Nicole is laying in Wynonna's bed with Wynonna half draped over her. I swear drunk Wynonna us like having a two year old. I snap a quick photo then tiptoe over to Nicole. I shake her shoulder lightly. Her eyes flutter open, " Hey" she says wiping sleep from her eyes. " Hey, you gonna come to bed?" I run my hand through her hair. " Yeah, just give me a sec" I watch as Nicole carefully tries to move Wynonna off of her. Wynonna picks up her head, " Are you leaving me Haughtie?" she asks sadly. " yeah but don't worry, I'll see you tomorrow" Nicole coos, like she is talking to a little kid. " Okay" Wynonna plops her head down on her pillow as Nicole and I go around shutting off all the lights. " Oh and no having sex you two" Wynonna blurts out. Nicole's laughter fills the room.
Once we are back in my room, Nicole flops onto the bed, her eyes closed in seconds. " Are you gonna change your clothes sweetie?" I get in on my side. " No. Must sleep" Nicole groans out. I plant a kiss on her forehead then roll over and turn off my lamp.

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