Legolas ~ Not In Front Of Me

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I being Aragorn's close friend (and by close I mean he sees me like a little sister he never had) meant that I had to join the Fellowship of the ring. Not because Aragorn would like me to come, oh no he didn't talked to me for almost 3 hours because I decided to join the Fellowship, I wanted this to end. If it won't end then, I, and all of the races on the middle earth would be destroyed. I often talked to him about my admiration towards elves, and the particularly the one in our group. He teased me a lot about it but I knew he did find it quiet adorable. He mocked me about the blushes I get every time my interaction with Legolas or he would tell me how fine our children would be.

"Hey (Y/N)!"

"Hello Legolas, what's wrong?"

"I'm exhausted from teaching the young hobbits archery. Could you look out for them so they won't kill someone while I sit down for a bit? I won't go far away, I will sit next to Aragorn."

I nodded, and walked over to the hobbits.

"How's it going boys?" I asked and ruffled their hair.

"I can never get it across directly. It always goes to the left!" Merry exclaimed.

"Me neither! I don't understand why, we did all the thing Legolas showed us but he just keep saying 'Exercise.'"

"Well then let's see what I can do. Show me the way that Legolas thought you." I said. Merry and Pippin both shot their arrow, missing the little target that was painted on the two trees. "We have a couple of things to work on." I said after observing what was wrong with the shot. But my ears perked up with the sound of my name. I glanced towards Legolas through my hair. He was talking elvish that was sure. And being grown aside Aragorn, we both learned how to speak elvish, Sindarin if I have to be more specific. I was always the better one with the language so it wasn't hard for me to listen them.

"(Y/N) quena i'lambe tel' Eldalie? (rough translation of : Does (Y/N) speaks elvish?"

"Û, re uuma sinta Eldalie. (Rough translation of: no she don't know elvish." Aragorn replied. I knew he was up to something!

"Quel! Amin merna i'lambe dela (Y/N). (Good. I wish to speak about (Y/N).)

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Merry asked cautiously and I turned to him.

"What? Yes, yes. Okay you need to change your posture." I said and reposition him, and then do the same with Pippin.

"Now concentrate on the target. You'll get there eventually. Gather all your focus on the target. And believe." I said and they both shot their arrows. Pippin missed the target by couple of centimeters and Merry shot at the middle layer of it.

"I hit it!"

"And I missed it. But it was still good than before, right (Y/N)?" I heard a muffled shout of 'Aut on re! (Go get her)' from Aragorn and his laugh. I shrugged it off and turn my focus back on the hobbits.

"Yes it was Pippin." I said and laughed as he hugged my legs.

"You are the best teacher (Y/N)." said Merry and joined the hug.

"And what about me?" Legolas asked behind me, his hands tightly crossed over his chest.

"(Y/N) showed us the right posture. But you are still our teacher. Except we love her more." Pippin said after he let go of my legs. I chuckled at his response and turned my gaze from the ground to Legolas.

We stared in each others eyes for a long time when Merry interrupted us.

"(Y/N), Legolas, are you okay?"

"I am as good as you, in archery I mean."


"I am an archer as good as you." I repeated.

"She is very good, I can tell you that, but we can't be sure without testing it out." Aragorn said finally stepping in the scene. I could feel the rest of the company's eyes on me. Aragorn looked at me doubtfully and then looked at Legolas who was smiling at me.

"Is this a challenge?" I said in a disbelief. God you really have to beat someone in order to show that you are good too.

"It sure is. I am going to close your eyes and you have to shoot two living thing, not your friends, and hit the bull's eyes of the practicing targets." Legolas said and looked up and down to me, as if he was enjoying the view.

"You challenge is accepted." I said and grabbed my bow and my arrows. I planted my feet on the ground and looked at my surroundings. I measured the distance in between me and the targets, and looked into the forest for some kind of bird nest. I found one with a bird in it but then Legolas covered my eyes with his hands. I felt his chest against my back.

"Legolas, if you want this to be fair you need to move away from me." I said and smiled, knowing him doing something wrong frustrates him.

"You're right. Here let me put this on." He revealed my eyes and paced to his bag to grab something and come back with a piece of clean looking cloth. He tied it around my head and lingered a bit, but then shuffled backwards. I assumed my eyes were still looking to the nest, giving that it was the last thing I saw. I placed an arrow on my bow and pulled the string. I tried to imagine the exact same scene with the bird and shot the arrow. I heard a loud caw and a little thing fall down to the ground. I didn't picked up the noise of Legolas but the others cheered for me. I turned and shot two arrows one after another, hitting the trunk of the trees. But from the loud cheering, I think that I hit the bull's eyes.

"Targets and one living thing down. You need to shoot another living thing." Legolas said after the cheering died down. I nodded and tried to listen around me. When I was just giving in, an idea popped in my mind.

"Are you going to back do-"I cut off Aragorn in mid-sentence with a high pitched and loud scream. I heard a flock of birds embarking from their tree and making their way over us. I stretched my arrow again and listen closely to the sounds. When I was able to track down one of them I let go of the arrow and hear another loud caw.

"What?" loud mumbling and muttering increased and I heard a loud flop. I pealed the cloth from my eyes. Legolas' mouth hung low, with pure amazement. I heard the loud laughter of Aragorn.

"It is your turn to try now." I said and tossed the cloth to Legolas. He walked closer to me and stopped inches away from me, our toes were touching.

"I cannot compare with you." He said and I blushed. "Nobody compares to you."

"Diole lle. (Thank you.)" the words slipped out of my mouth before I could think of it. Legolas' eyes widen and he turned to Aragorn.

"You said she didn't knew elvish!"

"I lied. Sii' miqula he! (Now kiss her!)"

"Aa' amin? (May ı)"

I nodded as I turned a bright red colour. He closed the small space between us and dropped the cloth. He buried his hands into my hair and I placed my hands around his neck. We parted and slightly after Aragorn made a gaging sound.

"Not in front of me."

A/N: I am sorry that this is not as romantic as my usual stuff also sorry for not updating for 3 days. Next one will be a Haldir one as it was requested from: Laura5SOSxo

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