Making First Impressions

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"Hey Dad. N-nice to see you, too..." Charlie says, softly shaking Lucifer's hand with a clearly uncomfortable smile.

The demon overlord chuckles. "Come now, there's no need to be frightened! I just wanted to stop by and see how my favorite daughter was doing."

He slowly looks around the heavily fire-damaged kitchen, then down at the ruined stove and melted cooking pan.

Lucifer awkwardly clears his throat. "That... and I also wanted to see how things were going at this little 'hotel' of yours."

"Things have been fine." Charlie says.

"So I hear!" Lucifer says, swiftly closing the little distance between himself and his daughter. "Your feminine friend over there tells me things have actually been quite successful."

"Yeah, we were able to reform hundreds of sinners since we opened-" Angel begins, before Vaggie forcefully nudges him with her elbow.

Lucifer's eyes widen in shock, and that seemingly permanent smile of his disappears for a brief moment. "Hundreds..." he mutters to himself.

He rapidly shakes his head for a second, as if he was attempting to wake himself up from a bad dream.

He clears his throat again, and that eerie Cheshire smile of his quickly returns. "My word, I'm... most impressed with you, my dear."

"Uh, thanks!" Charlie says, clearly surprised that the Lord of Hell himself seemingly liked what he just heard.

"Hundreds of sinners redeemed, wow!" Lucifer exclaims. "If I may, would it be alright with you all if I hung around here for a little bit, just to see how things work?"

"I'm... not really sure that would be such a good idea-" Charlie begins to say.

Alastor suddenly teleports directly in front of her, standing inches away from the demon overlord.

"We'd love to have you here, Your Highness!" he says. "Please, allow me to give you the grand tour!"

The Radio Demon walks out of the kitchen, and Lucifer follows along. "Now, first let me show you the lobby..."

Niffty immediately raises her head. "What!? Hey wait!"

She follows them out of the kitchen. "Don't go in the lobby! It's not clean enough yet!"

As their voices fade, Vaggie groans and looks at Angel in anger. "You idiot, this is all your fault!"

"My fault!?" he asks. "It's not like I ASKED him to come to the hotel or anything!"

"You basically invited him over! Since the hotel is 'doing so well'..."

"He asked me about it! Would you have preferred if I said nothing at all? That probably would've made him even more suspicious!"

"Yeah, but..." Vaggie's voice trails off.

You decide to speak up. "You know, maybe things aren't all that bad."

They both look up at you in confusion, but say nothing.

"Let's just look at him like he's another customer. Sure, he might not really be here for redemption, per se, but it sounds like he just wants to see how things work."

Vaggie grumbles, before saying your name in frustration. "You do realize that he's the... Devil, right? For all we know, he and Alastor might be teaming up right now to shut down our whole operation!"

"I don't know about Lucifer, but Al's been working here since we first opened. I know he's a bit... eccentric, but I think he genuinely means well." you say.

The Surprise Visitor - Charlie Magne x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now