Chapter 3: The Unemployed One

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"What do you want from me Ryan?" I was getting annoyed by the minute.

"I'm sorry Allison. I can explain what happened. Please,hear me out",he begged.

"What do you want to explain? You just disappeared with no explanation whatsoever and here you are after three years telling me you're sorry. Sorry for what?!"

He began to speak but I didn't want to hear what he had to say.

"Save it. I don't want to talk to you. I don't even know why I'm here right now. Just leave me alone Ryan and go back to wherever you were for the past three years."

After saying that,I turned and ran with tears streaming down my face. I didn't know where I was running to and I didn't care as long as I was away from him.

My mind was blank as I worked my legs.

"Allison!!" I heard him scream and immediately I felt a sharp pain in my legs. Before I fell,I had a slight view of the four wheel drive that just hit me.

Everything was pitch black after that.

I woke up with sweat all over my brow and a tear stained face.

My God! What kind of a nightmare did I just have?!

Thank goodness it was just a dream.

I looked out and the sun was shining,it was almost halfway across the sky.

What time is it? Why didn't mom wake me up today?

I washed my face and brushed my teeth before I went downstairs.

I went into the kitchen to find myself something to eat. I was about opening the refrigerator for some juice when I noticed a sticky note on the door. It was from my mom.

She said there was an emergency at the hospital this morning so she left early and didn't bother to wake me up. She added that I could help myself to anything in the house.

Good for me.

Despite the fact that it was almost afternoon,I fixed myself a bowl of cereal and got comfortable on the couch with the television remote in my free hand.

After two hours of watching TV,I finally decided to get my lazy butt off the couch and send my empty cereal bowl to the kitchen.

I was humming "Love story" by Taylor Swift while washing the bowl under the running tap in the dishwasher when I heard the doorbell.

Who would be ringing at this time? My mom was at work and I'm not sure it would be Jennifer. She should be at her new workplace.

I hurriedly finished washing the bowl and dried my hands with a napkin.

"I'm coming!" I yelled before the person got tired of waiting for me to open the door and left.

At least,he or she wasn't ringing it repeatedly,that would have surely ticked me off. Thank God for the person's patience.

I wasn't expecting the surprise that awaited me when I finally opened the door.


What was he doing at my house? How did he even know this was my house?

"Are you surprised to see me?" He grinned.

"Yes,yes I am surprised",I replied truthfully. "Well, come on in."

He came in and I showed him the couch with my hand, indicating for him to have a seat.

He sat and I was still rooted to the spot wondering how come my boyfriend was in my living room.

My boyfriend

Two years and I still haven't registered the fact that Greg was my boyfriend now.

I looked at him and I noticed he was staring at me. It was then that I realized what I was wearing. I was still in my PJs


To avert his attention,I offered him something to drink.

"Water will be fine. Thanks."

Why were we being so formal with each other? We're supposed to be a couple,right?

When he was done drinking the water,he set the glass on the coffee table.

"So what's up? What brings you to my house? And how did you know this was my house?"

"Question 1,I'm good. Question 2, can't I visit my girlfriend? Question 3, I guessed your address",he answered jokingly.

The last two answers made me want to roll my eyes, playfully of course.

"I know there's a reason you're here. You don't live in this town. And I guess I probably told you my address or something."



"How can you be so right?"

"Well",I giggled

"Okay fine. You did tell me your address a while back. And as to why I'm here,my parents were pressuring me to get a job and the only one I could find was here,in this town. So I'm moving here,I just came to see how this place is like and I couldn't go back without coming to see you I am."

That's logical. He thought of me, sweet.

Oh come on,he's your boyfriend. He's supposed to think of you.

"Oh wow,you have a job now."


Great,I'm sure Spencer has a job too and I'll be the unemployed one in our little friend quad.


"Thanks",he smiled that same smile he put on when he handed me my handkerchief three years ago.

"You didn't bring your car?"

"Nerh. I took the bus."

"Oh okay"

"So how're you doing?"

"Great. I'm living my life how I wanted."

"And I suppose that is laying on your bed and watching TV all day."

"Precisely." We both laughed

"Are you hungry?"I asked when I didn't know what else to say.

"No,not really."

"Okay cool. Then I guess you can busy yourself with something while I go freshen up."

"No prob."

"And if you do get hungry within the twenty minutes I'm gone, feel free to help yourself to anything in the fridge."

"I don't think that would be necessary"

"Alright. I'll see you in a bit."


He hang around for a few more hours before going back.

Maybe,I should also start looking for a job, don't you think?


Heyyyyyy, so sorry for the late update. I'll try to update more often from now on.

Thanks for reading😊

Happy new month🥂


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