(7) The Little Crush: Part 2

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"I'm sorry it took so long for me to come visit", Harry apologized as he pushed Morgan up on his side. "You look like you just saw a ghost, Pete, how are you guys"?

"Harry, I didn't know you were coming, how are you", Peter walked up to his long old friend & hugged him. "What are you doing here"?

"I had to come see my favorite family", Harry said as he sat Morgan down & hugged Harley. "Well actually, I came to meet your new friends you keep talking about, & that MJ girl you keep talking about".

Harley tried to restrain his laugh as Ned burst into laughter with no hesitation. But Morgan looked a her brother confused.

"Who's MJ", Morgan asked, looking up to her eldest brother.

"She's my friend, Morgan", Peter lied to his sister, not his proudest moment, but he didn't need to explain himself in front of everyone. "Morgan, can you go get my wallet from my room, it's for the pizza"?

Morgan nodded her head & quickly ran up the stairs to retrieve Peter's wallet from the room.

"How long are you here for", Harley asked after Morgan started running up the stairs?

"I have a week off from Dalton", Harry said. Peter, Harley, & Ned all looked at Harry confused, then noticed the bruising on Harry's cheekbone. "My dad suggested that I leave the house right now, I asked Tony & he said that I could come here for as long as I need".

An awkward silence broke between the four.

Ned cleared his as he is laughter stopped, Peter took the moment to introduce his two friends.

"Harry, this is Ned. Ned, Harry", Peter introduced. Ned held out his hand & shook Harry's. "Harry is my friend from my last school & Ned is my new friend from Midtown high".

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ned", Harry said as he shook rapidly Ned's hand.

"It's nice to meet you as well", Ned replied, he now took in what Harry was wearing. A dark blue cloth vest with a black bow-tie, a white button-up shirt, dark grey khaki, & dark dark brown dress shoes. The outfit was fit to perfection around his body, the sleeve cuffs hung perfectly around his wrists, the vest & button-up wrapped sharply around Harry's shoulders to his torso & waist, the sleeves encased the arms underneath to a T while showing enough muscle underneath, the collar fit soundly around his muscular neck, & the dress pants helped secure Harry's slim but muscular & tall stature.

"Peter has told me much about you", Harry said as he put his hands to his side. "And it is really nice to put a name to a face, but I would love to meet everyone else".

"I'd have to call our parents, but it's getting late", Peter responded, a light glowed in Harry & Peter could see it through his smirk. "They'll be home in a few hours too, not tonight maybe tomorrow".

"Okay", Harry said. "I'd like to make a memory of it though...".

Harry had something more to say, but he stopped himself. He had a bitter tone on his face before shaking it off & plastering a smile back onto his face.

"... Maybe it could be a big event, like a party", Harry suggests. He looks around the room with sympathy at the residents of the house. But Peter & Harley couldn't oblige.

"I'm sorry, Harry, but we just can't", Peter says as he turns & starts to walk to the couch to sit. But the doorbell rings & this time Peter knew it was the pizza guy.

As he started to walk to the front door, Morgan raced down the stairs with Peter's wallet in hand. She met Peter at the door & they paid for the pizza & brought it in.

Spideyson: Troubles of High SchoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora