(20) Gotcha Day

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Peter jumped out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist, steaming hot water dripping from his hair & rolling down his torso. He removed the towel from his waist & started to dry himself.

He wiped his face with the towel & looked into the fogged mirror, with one hand, he wiped the mirror & saw his reflection looking back at him from the clear strip on the mirror. His reflection was smudged, but he could see himself.

"Today's a big day", Peter reminded himself as he stared himself in the eyes. Peter put his hands on both sides of the counter & looked down into the sink, he sighed. "Today's a big day", He repeats.

He pulled his head up & again looked at himself through the mirror. He anxiously tapped the counter with his finger tips.

"And it's going to be a good day at that", Peter said as he grabbed the towel off of the counter & ran it against his steaming body, rubbing the towel down his stomach, over his crotch, & down his legs.

He walked out of his bathroom, with the towel again wrapped around his waist. He walked to the bay window & stared into the backyard for the higher angle he was perched on.

Peter saw as many men & women moved decorations & tables around the backyard. His family was out there, Tony & Harley helping the workers as Pepper & Morgan directed.

Peter quickly walked away from the bay window & to his closet. He threw the towel into his clothes basket. He looked up at a table & saw the outfit he picked out the day pier.

Peter pulled his underwear over his legs & crotch. He then grabbed his shirt & & pulled it over his head then pulled his arms through the sleeves of the plain white t-shirt & repeating the same process as he slowly threw a pale blue-gray blazer over top of the white shirt. He left the blazer unbuttoned. He put a watch on, checking the time. 5:49 PM, the party would be starting at 6:30 PM, just as the sun starts to set.

Then he grabbed a pair of jeans & pulled them on, one leg at a time like anyone else. Peter then sat down as he grabbed a pair of dark brown dress shoes, pulling one shoe on, then tying it, then the other shoe, & tying that one as well.

Peter got up from his seat & walked to his closet door, shutting the door & turning the lights off behind him as he walked out of the walk-in closet.

Peter walked to the sink in his bathroom once more, it was now cleared & his reflection was clean. He grabbed a hair brush to straighten out his curls with a little hair gel to help, dampening his hair with a spray bottle & then running the brush & gel through his hair. Repeating until his hair was straightened.

He then grabbed a comb & slicked his hair back. But a streak of his hair kept falling over & resting on his forehead. But Peter kind of liked it, so instead of forcing it back up, he let the streak lazily hang down as long as it stayed out of his eyes.

Peter looked up at himself in the bathroom & analyzed his appearance. He liked it. Now, he walked out of his bathroom once more & continued to his bedroom door.

He walked into the hall & shit his door behind him, continuing down the staircase & into the living room.

"Oh, Peter, you look so handsome", Pepper said as she ran up to him & gave her son a hug.

"Thank you", Peter said as his mother slowly released him from her hold.

"It's about time you came down from there, we need some extra help", Harley said as he set a box down on the couch. "I don't know why we need to throw such a big party, for my gotcha day, I just want a simple pizza party with my friends".

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