(19) Star-Crossed

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"Peter", Pepper called him from the kitchen. "Come down here sweetie, we have to talk".

Peter made his way downstairs with a slow pace & a worried look on his face. Peter didn't know if his parents caught him sneaking Michelle into the house last Saturday night.

It was now the next Friday.

"Yeah, mom", Peter asked? He noticed his father sitting at the table as well, along with his little brother & sister.

"Peter", Pepper said, exhaling loudly. "We are going out of town for the night, your father has to make a statement at the World's Center of Technology. We'll be gone until tomorrow morning, don't make us hire a babysitter".

"I told you", Peter said. "I've learned my lesson".

"I believe him, let's go", Tony said as he stood up.

"We have to go about right now, money for dinner is on the table", Pepper said as she grabbed her purse. She kissed her children as she made her way to the door, hugging them & saying love you.

"Wait before you go", Peter said following them to the door. "Can I have MJ over & before you say no, Harley can supervise if you don't trust us & . . ."?

"Yeah", Pepper said.

"Sounds good to me", Tony said as they opened the door.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting you to say yeah so easily", Peter said as he stood at the door. "But now that I have you here, can she spend the night".

"As long as her parents say it's okay", Pepper said. They head out to the limousine that Happy was driving. "Be safe, watch Morgan, don't throw any parties, & a few packages for your Gotcha Day party is coming today, just keep an eye out for me".

"Alright, I will", Peter said as Harley, Morgan, & himself saved goodbye.

Peter closed the door & the three disbursed from one another. Peter went to the kitchen with his phone pressed against his ear, Morgan went back to playing with her toys at the dining room table, & Harley started playing Call of Duty in the living room.

"Hey, MJ", Peter spoke. Morgan listened in from a far. "They agreed, you can come over & spend the night, if you want".

Morgan didn't hear Michelle's response, but from the way Peter jumped in the air, she interpreted that Michelle was coming over.

"Petey, come here please", Morgan yelled out from the dining room as Peter put his phone back into his pocket & smiled genuinely as he approached his little sister to help her with whatever she needed.

Morgan just asked for something to eat, so Peter made her a sandwich before dinner & cut it diagonally then quickly cleaned the house & waited in the living room for Michelle to arrive.

Michelle knocked on the door & Peter jumped off the couch, when he hit the floor, he rubbed his hands over his chest, shoulders, & sides, trying to compose himself. Peter made his way to the door & let Michelle in.

"Hey", Michelle said as she took off her scarf, she hung it up next to her coat.

"Hey", Peter said as he walked her to the living room. "Is there anything that you want to do"?

"No, it doesn't really matter to me", Michelle said as she sat down on the couch. "We can just chill right now & maybe hang out later".

Michelle winked at him.

"Yeah, that sounds great", Peter said as he smiled softly.

Harley visibly gagged, "Gross, get a room".

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