"H-Hey! It means I didn't lie, though!" The two bickered for a moment, telling Jisung not to look in the mirror in the process. He sighed as the two left the room for him to change. Scanning over the outfit that was sprawled out onto the bed, Jisung remembered Minho dressing him similarly, only this time it had more chains to attach to his pants as well. Did everyone just want him to look like an eboy? Or did Changbin pick this on purpose because he knows this is Minho's style? He groaned at he thought of Minho, grabbing the shirt and pulling it on.
Checking himself out in the mirror once he had put it on, he noticed that the outfit was indeed the same style as what Minho had made him wear. He pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out an annoyed sigh thinking about his best friend. He really appreciated the help, but he also remembered how everyone had stared at Jisung last time like he was some pinterest wannabe eboy. And he didn't know if he liked that or not.

His disapproving thoughts where confirmed as he watched his two friends freak out over how good he looked. Felix miraculously had fake piercings in his makeup kit, slapping one onto Jisung's eyebrow. He tried giving the latter an eyebrow slit which Jisung had immediately turned down. He wasn't going to have to face the whole school with an eyebrow slit on monday, thank you very much. The trio had left Changbin's appartment soon after, two-thirds of them super excited.

"Come on Ji, it's gonna be fun! Just let lose for now, I'm sure it won't be as bad."

"I don't like alcohol." Jisung muttered, looking down at the pavement rather than ahead of him. Changbin smiled to him, trying to convince him it wasn't so bad. "Ji, there's different types of drunks. Besides! You are you. You will only do it once if you want to, and then never again... Especially when you find yourself with a splitting headache the next morning. Trust me, that will make you regret things."
"Yeah, sure. Definitely sounds like fun." Felix frowned, not aware of Jisung's reasoning to hate alcohol he chimed in. "It will be fun whilst you're drunk, afterwards is when shit hits the fan. Just enjoy the moment and regret your past self the following day! That's what I always do!"

Jisung couldn't be convinced, so he just nodded to drop the conversation. He knew that all they said was true, but his personal first-hand experience with an alcoholic just made him scared. He was terrified to end up just like his father. What if he did have fun when he was drunk? He was afraid that once he picked up the bottle, he wouldn't put it back down. The boy was frowning at this point as he still looked at the road beneath him, so much so he hadn't realised that they were already in front of their destination. As Changbin lightly hit his arm to draw his attention, his senses returned to him and suddenly he was aware of the music coming from inside the house. He sighed one final time before putting on a smile, heading to go inside with his friends.

Inside, the music was deafening. Yet to Jisung, it wasn't the most disturbing thing about the party. It was the way everyone seemed to be grinding up and down each other, a bunch of people making out everywhere his eyes took him. 'I'm so out of place. What if someone comes up to me and they stick their tongue into my mouth too? Ohmygod, no.' He stayed close to Changbin and Felix who had immediately made their way to the kitchen to get something to drink. In there, the boys found Jeongin and Hyunjin dancing together, red cups both in hand. Jisung laughed softly to himself, not having imagined Jeongin to be the type to drink. The aforementioned seemed to have noticed the three as his smile widened and he started blaring over the music.

"Hey guys, good to see ya!" He put his cup in the air as a way to salute them. Jisung waved back awkwardly, feeling people bump into him from behind. 'I shouldn't have come. Why did I agree again? Oh right, Lee fucking Minho. That gorgeous son of a bitch who isn't even here ye— Ohmygod someone is bumping into me. I-Is that someone GRINDING onto me? Oh my fucking god. Get me the fuck out. What have I done to deserve this.' Changbin handed him a red cup and he grimaced as he looked up at the older. His best friend was already swaying his hips side to side, a cup to his lips.

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