part 12

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Warning!! Contains smut

Sokka's POV-
Me and Zuko stayed in his room for a lot longer than I thought we would but he was sad and I needed to comfort him. "I'm sorry Sokka sometimes I just see my scar and all the memories of my father come back." Zuko said frowning "Baby you dont need to apologize, you have trauma and I'll never be mad at you for that." I said with a smile as I placed a small peck on his lips "I love you so much Zuko, I always will." I said pulling him into another hug "S-sokka I love y-you too" he said with tears in his eyes "Come on you should come and eat" I said pulling away and holding out my hand. He nodded grabbed my hand and we went to the dining room "Oh there you are there are two plates for you in the kitchen" Katara said as she finished her breakfast "Thank you. Zuko you sit down I'll grab our plates" I responded, Zuko nodded and sat down. I came back a few minutes later and sat our plates on the table "So where have you been Sokka, you went to get dressed and never came back?"  Katara asked moving to the sink which was in the same room "Oh well um" I said not wanting to tell her about what happened with Zuko "I was having a rough morning so Sokka was just talking to me. Sorry for making you wait." Zuko responded knowing it was best if he told her "Ya I get it some mornings just suck" Katara responded while cleaning her plate. Zuko and I let out a soft chuckle and finished our food "Zuko you go get dressed and I'll clean our plates, I have a surprise for you." "I dont think he'll need to be dressed if you have a surprise for him." Toph said entering the room "Oh and by the way the tub is stone!" She added Katara looked confused but brushed it off "Sorry Toph and it's not that kind of surprise." I said crossing my arms and blushing in embarrassment "Its cool I just lifted up my feet." Toph said shrugging "Can we stop constantly talking about my brothers sex life?!" Katara said throwing her hands down "Sorry" me and Toph said in unison. I went to sit in the living room and talk to Toph we were talking about how she made metal bending and stuff like that then Zuko walked in wearing his usual red and black. I stood up walked over to him and gave him a hug "Hey baby you look nice." I said kissing his right cheek. He preferred people to stay away from the left side of his face. "Hello, so what is your surprise?" He asked still holding my waist "Its a surprise silly. Now come sit with me and we'll leave in a little while." I said walking to the couch. Zuko sat next to me and held my hand "I'm happy I cant see you both even just hearing you is giving me oogies." Toph said me and Zuko laughed and then we continued our conversation. It was about 12:30 so we decided to go. "Okay guys we'll see you in a little while" I said while waving, Katara, Toph, and Aang all said bye and we went out the front door holding hands. "So now will you tell me where we're going?" Zuko asked looking into my eyes "No but I promise you'll have fun. We got into town and went to a small crystal shop. We bought one large red crystal and one purple one. We then went to a weapon shop and picked up two carving knives. Once we got everything we went back to the house but instead of going inside we snuck to the back so we could sit at the small pond they had. "So do you understand what we're doing now?" I asked as we sat down and I handed him his crystal and knife "Of course I dont, you know that" Zuko said as he patiently sat next to me "Well I've never carved crystals and I'll have to carve a special one sooner or later so might as well practice with my favorite  person." I said starting to curve a small indentation in the purple crystal "What do you mean you'll have to carve a special crystal?" Zuko asked starting to carve into his "Wait you dont know? I thought everyone knew" Zuko shrugged his shoulders and looked up at me "Well in the water tribe to propose you make a necklace with a carved crystal in the center like Katara's, hers isnt a betrothal necklace for her but it was for our gran gran then it was passed to mom then Katara." I said working on a small flame for my crystal "Wow I never knew that it must be so cool getting to make a necklace for the love of your life." Zuko said sounding intrigued by my culture "It is from what I've heard. I cant wait to get to make mine."  I said smiling while carving flower petals "Well what about the person who proposes? does the other make them a necklace after?" Zuko asked while continuing his carving "Well sometimes it really depends on the person but I know I would want them to make me one too." I said "Zuko?" I asked looking away from my crystal "Yes babe?" He said looking up at me with a soft smile "I love that your so interested in learning my culture but why?" I asked wondering why he never asked Toph or Aang about their customs "Well who knows I may need to know something about betrothal necklaces later on." He said and I felt a blush form on my cheeks then he leaned in and kissed me. I couldn't believe he thought about marrying me "Your adorable when I make you blush." He said and then turned back to his carving "So does the fire nation have anything like that?" I asked  "I'm not really sure. I always assumed I would have an arranged marriage so I never learned about it." Zuko said sadly "Well now you marry whoever you want" I said turning his face to mine and kissing him "I wish." Zuko said putting his crystal and knife down "Baby what do you mean?" I asked with a sad looking face "Well when Aang takes down my father and Azula I'll become firelord and same sex marriage is illegal and even if I changed the law and married a man it wouldn't go down well." He said with tears in his eyes. I hugged him and played with his hair "Zuko even when your the firelord you can be with whoever you want. So what if a bunch of old people disagree it's your life just because you lead a country doesnt mean you have to be miserable." I said. I kissed him on the cheek and wiped his tears "You're right. I love you Sokka" he said sniffling a little "I love you too. Now lets finish these crystals" I said we resumed our crystals and I told him more about water tribe traditions. After about an hour we both finished.

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