chapter 7

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The pungent smell of disinfectant filled my nostrils. I opened my eyes and a figure of a lady aproached me. She was wearing a blue mask and had long, brunette hair.Was I dreaming? I then looked around the room. The room was empty and quiet. There was a knock at my door. It was my parents. My mom took my hand and held my school bag while dad payed for the hospital fees. I made my way home but there was something stuck in my mind. I constantly have this memory of a silhouette running towards me. I couldnt figure out who it could be. We arrive home as quick as possible because my parents have something urgent to tell me. I quickly changed into my flowy white dress and made my way downstairs to see my parents sitting on the sofa with a serious expression on their face. My mom held my hand tightly while my dad started to explain why they wanted to talk to me. The smile on my face vanished.
"We have to go to turkey because we have been offered to start our buisness there and I know that your grades are really important so we have to leave you behind".
"Mom , Dad", I said with teary eyes, "im only 18 and you are going to leave me here in pakistan all alone". I said
"Dont worry, we will be back in 2 weeks and if you need anything, call us", my mom said.
"If you act up or do anything you are not supposed to, im going to get you married", my dad said. I actually felt scared.
"Ok, don't worry mom and dad. I'll see you in 2 weeks then."
My parents kissed me and left for the airport. I wiped my tears and jumped up and down. I finally had some freedom. No dhall and roti for 2 weeks.YAY!

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