Dramione Hogwarts Reunion

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I don't own Harry Potter

Hermione 3rd person

I walked into the great hall with Venus and Vesta, head up high. I heard whispering and felt glances on me. I haven't been here since I graduated 10 years ago. The only people I still talked to were Luna, Neville, Pansy, Blaise, Theo, George, and Draco of course. Harry and the rest of the weasels (except George) believed the lies that Ron told them. Let me tell you what I'm talking about...

I was walking to the diner that just opened up in the diagon alley for an interview by Kingsley. He asked me to be the Minister of magic when he retired and I accepted. Tomorrow is supposed to be a special day as it is me and Ron's 1 year anniversary. He said we were going to walk around London, but I hope he had planned more. Then again I should be happy we didn't go to the animal shelter again. I inwardly shivered. We hadn't even been in there for a pet, but to look a animals. All we came out with was bird poop and feathers in our hair. The moment I walked in the restaurant, I noticed a read head sitting with Lavender Brown. Within a second I realized it was Ron. She reached over and kissed his hard on the lips. I gasped quietly and told Kingsley to forget about the job offer. I knew he'd been acting weird these past few months, but I didn't know it was this.
I ran home and made hot cocoa, sobs racking my body. Was I not good or fun enough that he sought comfort in another woman? Did he even love me like he said or was it just a lie? How long has this been going on... (not the song)
The next day I sat in my bed thinking the same things I did yesterday. I stood Ron up, but didn't have the heart to tell him it was over. Ron came storming into my bedroom looking angry. "Did you know how long I stood at the ice cream place, just for you to show me up!!!" He began ranting, saying I was supposed to follow his orders and how he had the day all planned out. "If you could just listen to me and shut up!!" I yelled. "You didn't seem so sad when you kissed LAVENDER FUCKING BROWN. I'm leaving, don't come after me."

I was wearing a green of the shoulder dress and black heels. My hair was down and I had my wedding rings on.

Venus and Vesta are my eight year old twin girls

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Venus and Vesta are my eight year old twin girls. After I ran off, I went to Australia and ran into the one and only Draco Malfoy. We started talking everyday and he finally got the nerve to ask me out. We began dating and got married a year later. Then we had the twins and my other child, Scorpius. He's with Draco right now, their godparents are Luna x Blaise and Pansy x Theo. Venus is wearing a red dress, with her hair curled and her name brand sunglasses. Vesta is wearing an identical dress, except it was green like mine. They are both wearing a rose gold watch Blaise got for their birthday.

Scorpius was wearing a turtleneck white shirt with a black trench coat overtop of it

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Scorpius was wearing a turtleneck white shirt with a black trench coat overtop of it. He has his ray bans and a black watch that Pansy bought for him. His hair was swept upwards and curled at the ends.

Draco was wearing a sharp black suit and the same sunglasses as Scorp

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Draco was wearing a sharp black suit and the same sunglasses as Scorp. He has a black watch with the same design as Scorpius , but his has golden accents instead of silver. His hair was slicked back, but wasn't gelled. It was light and airy.

They were walking to the Slytherin table to chat with old friends

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They were walking to the Slytherin table to chat with old friends. "Mommy, I'm thirsty. Can we get some water?" Ven asked with her clear Australian accent. "Come on, let's go get some snacks." They actually go to beaux-baton and Durm-Strang  institute respectively. I didn't want them in Hogwarts because I knew they would be hit on and bullied for being a Malfoy or the rumors about me. They know it's not true though, and they know Drake's past.

While they were getting drinks, I got a tap on the shoulder. Everyone in the hall got quiet, I instantly knew it was Ginevra Weasly. She smelt like pine needles, lemon, and a hint of peppermint. "Yes, Miss Weasley." I said not turning around.
She obviously didn't like that, so she manually turned me around. Slap Everyone either had a hand to their mouth, a shocked expression, or looking very angry. (the Slytherins) "What in the name of Merlin gave you the right to be here."
She yelled out for everyone to hear. "A letter." I explained calmly, like talking to a baby. "I got an invitation from Ms. McGonagall. Do you have a problem with it?" I knew I was getting under her skin with my innocent expression. "YES, You have the audacity to show up here when you FUC-." That's when I cut in."Don't you dare curse or swear in front of my kids. I don't know how you raised your kids, but don't you dare do that in front of mine."
If people weren't shocked then, they would definitely be now. Who knew Hermione had kids? She was about to start talking again when Pansy came up to them. Someone literally fainted when She and Hermione hugged like old friends.

"Aww, I haven't seen you in forever. How are you Mione?" She asked. They started chitchatting completely ignoring Ginny and everyone else. "Aunty Pansy" the twins screamed. Everyone's jaw dropped at Hermione's kids. They were the most beautiful children they've ever seen. "How are you friends with that Slytherins, Hermione. You traitorous cheater!" Harry joined the conversation. Most people snapped out of their superior when he yelled. They started glancing at Hermione expectantly, looking for an answer. "After you wrongly accused me of cheating on Ron, even though he was the one who did that, I ran into some Slytherins and we've been friends ever since." I explained. Suddenly, a voice rang throughout the hall. "Granger!" It was Ron, she'd kinda expected that reaction if she was being honest. He was always a temperamental one. He slurred, that's when I realized he was drunk.
"Actually Weasel, the name's Malfoy." Draco announced, walking over with Scorpius. He wrapped his hands on her waist and kissed her on the lips.

" WHATTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????!?!?!?!?!???????...."

Sorry, i kept switching from 1st to 3rd point of view.
                 - Daughter_Of_Rome

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