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-Third person POV:
Virgil awoke to bright rays of sunlight
peeking through the blinds and the faint sound of birds chirping. He knew he had to get up but was struggling to find the energy or a reason to do so.
After what seemed like eternity, he rubbed his eyes, rolled out of bed and just managed to find the energy to stand in his own two feet.
Through the bright light of the sun, he could make out someone slightly opening his bedroom door. It was Patton
"good morning, kiddo! Breakfast is ready if you want any. Just come downstairs." he said, enthusiastically.
"G'morning, Pat. I'll be down in a minute." Virgil mumbled, still half asleep.
" Ok." Patton replied, closing Virgil's bedroom door and walking back down the stairs. Virgil took a look around his room to notice that it was a mess and was in desperate need of attention. He started by making his bed, cleaning up his bookshelf and sorting out his makeup. His eyeshadows were very used but, his lipsticks, but so much. He really wanted to wear them. He loved how it looked in him but he simply didn't have the confidence to rock it.
"one day," he said to himself. "One day."
He opened that blinds completely and cleaned up some of the rubbish. His room still wasn't perfectly clean but it was good enough for him to leave it be. With that, He left the room and started to slowly make his way downstairs.

When he reached the bottom and walked into the kitchen, he was greeted by Patton and Roman eating at the table
"Good morning, Panic at the Everywhere!" Roman laughs.
"Good morning, Princey." Virgil said as he sits down at the table. Patton gives him a plate stacked with pancakes and a fork
" Eat up, Vee." Patton encouraged. He nods back, and takes a bite. They taste amazing, as usual. He took a few more bites but quickly lost his appetite as a thought struck him. Where's Logan? He's almost always the first to get up in the morning, he thought.
But he quickly dismissed the thought and assumed that Logan was probably in his office.
Virgil finishes eating and puts his bowl in the empty sink, then walks up the stairs and into his bathroom to get a shower.

Meanwhile, when Roman finished his pancakes, he leapt from his chair, took out his sword and went off looking for Remus so they could have their daily morning battle.
"Come out of there and face me like a man!" He said when he approached Remus's bedroom door. It was all fun and games, of course, but Patton couldn't help but be a bit concerned. Sure, they would always heal back up, but that never stopped them from feeling pain.

All while this was happening, Logan and Janus were having a civil debate in Logan's room about what flavour of crofters is the best. Surprisingly, Janus was also a huge fan of crofters and sometimes even tried to make his own but it never really turned out quite right. More surprising though, was the fact that Janus seems to be winning the debate. For once, Logan wasn't right. They are interrupted by Remus who bursts into the room to say that blood flavoured Crofters are the best, then runs back out and down the hall as Roman causes him.

Downstairs, Patton finished washing the dishes in the kitchen and started to wipe down the table when he heard the sound of something drop from Virgil's room. He raced upstairs and opened the door to see a tube of lipstick smashed, it's pieces scattered across the floor.
Virgil quickly tried to pick them up before somebody found them, but gave up when he noticed Patton standing at the doorway.
He was defeated. There was no going back now and he had to own up to his sins. Patton has found out about his secret and he was utterly humiliated. He sat there, frozen, waiting for Patton to laugh in his face but instead he just chucked.
"If you wanted to try in lipstick, you could have asked me to help you. You know I wouldn't of judged you for it." He said, taking notice of how messily Virgil has applied it his lips.

Virgil felt a wave of relief come over him. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders and he could walk again.
Patton begins to pick up the pieces of lipstick from the floor and puts them in the bin.
"Have you got any more, kiddo?" Virgil nods and points to his makeup cabinet. "It's in the second drawer." he said, quietly. Patton opens the drawer to see an array of different shades of black and purple lipsticks.
"V-Virgil, how come you never use these?" He asked in shock.
Virgil looked across the hall at Roman's bedroom door. Patton noticed what he meant by this and had to reassure him.
"Kiddo, I promise that Roman would be the last person to ever make fun of t you for being feminine But if he ever does, although I'm sure he won't, I give you full permission to beat his royal bottom." Patton tries to say with a straight face. Virgil laughed at the thought of him beating Roman up and hugged Patton.
"I love you, Pat!" He said, letting go and smiling at him. Patton smiled back and wiped Virgil's tears away, hugging him once more and kissing his cheek.
Virgil was slightly taken back and blushes immensely. He had always liked Patton but never thought that he liked him valve enough to kiss him lie that. But his train of though was broken by Patton.
"Want me to help you with your makeup, Vee?"
"Yea." He said, with his mind still on the kiss He takes out his favourite black lipstick and gives it to Patton .
Patton rolls it up and asks Virgil to picker up his lips. This makes Virgil crack a smile. Giggling, he does as he is told. Patton gently applies the lipstick to the anxious side's lips, secretly wishing they could lick with his.
" Is that it?" Virgil asks. "Am I done?"
" Oh.- Yeah, your done." He said, breaking out of his dreamy trance.

Virgil put the lipstick back and looked at himself in the mirror. He loved the way it made him feel and look. But he still felt a bit nervous, so held Patton's hand for reassurance and they made their way downstairs together.

When they reached the living room, Virgil nervously sat on the couch with Patton and waited for someone to come down and see him in his new look.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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