The Sleep of Babies

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Jax and Alma are laying in bed in his dorm room. They are still in lockdown. It's midafternoon and the kids are out with his mom. It left him and Alma some valued alone time. With the door locked and Alma's shirt raked up to under her breasts, Jax takes the time to admire her flat stomach as his hand lays atop of it. He can really soak in that they will be having another baby in the house. He barely thinks about the fact he is about to be promoted to Vice President. It pales in comparison to this news.

Though, as he tries to spot the small changes that pregnancy brings to Alma, he does disclose everything that has happened the past few days within the club. He brings up the general unease the guys feel about agreeing to sell to the Mayans despite their current deal with the Niners.

"You don't seem happy about it." Alma points out. Her small hands grab his and she contorts his fingers as she pleases. A small smile forms as both of his kids do the same thing.

"It's less blood, but now the Niners won't be happy." It's like exchanging one enemy to make a new one.

Alma's teeth tug at her lips. "They have to understand that it's just business."

"We promised to never sell to the Mayans." He informs her. It was the one thing that gave them such an easy alliance. Now they will be selling guns to their enemies that will aid them in their ongoing turf war.

Jax doesn't want to talk of club business anymore. He shifts so that he is laying in between his wife's legs. His breath tickles her stomach. "When can we announce the news?"

"I'm 10 weeks." She informs him. "But I want to wait a little bit longer..."

"You're worried?"

"Cautious. After Kaylee...I'm just cautious." She informs him as she plays with his blonde hair.

Jax places a kiss to her flat stomach. He doesn't know how to ease her valid concerns, but it doesn't take away the joy he feels for the upcoming expansion of his family.

"I'm your old man," he whispers to his unborn child.



Jaxs' smile threatens to break his cheeks as he embraces Opie. He clutches his friend tight and thanks god that he sees it fit to keep his friend safe and alive in prison. He is even thankful Darby has not broken his deal.

He hates that his friend is stuck in prison for 5 years. But his friend is alive and that is all that matters.

"Oh hell, don't tell me you managed to knock Alma up again?" Opie guesses correctly.

Jax smiles brightly.

"Congratulations, bro."

"Thanks. Having the two is crazy enough, but three," Jax mutters.

"You got yourself a good family."

"The kids miss their Uncle Opie. Kaylee was upset she didn't have the picture she wanted me to give you done in time."

"I miss them. I miss all of them." Opie tells him tightly. "But what else is going on?"

Jax lets the conversation change. "Well, you are looking at your new Vice President."

"Get the fuck out of here."

"We're getting closer." Jax tells him. They are getting closer to achieving their childhood dreams of being head of the club.

"So new baby, promotion, what is the third thing we should be looking out for."

Jax chuckles. "I don't think the 3rd thing will be a good one."

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