Girl Meets Runaway

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Maya's POV

I was walking back to my car. After I had made a quick stop at Riley's home, I honestly felt much much worse than the day before when I met Josh's girlfriend. I honestly hate my name now. 

I drive to the nearest Starbucks. It was closed. I checked the time on my phone. 6 am. It usually opens at 7. To pass time, I drive around the block. At 7 am, I drive back to Starbucks. I get a  Iced Caramel Cloud Macchiato and blue berry muffin. I eat and then head back to my car. 

I drive to the outskirts of the city.Honestly, the country is much more relaxing than the busy streets of New York City. I mean, there are barely any cars in the country and it is full of greenery. I happen to find green a soothing colour. In the City on the other hand, there is barely any space on the road and all the trees and plants there are usually cut down for building house and buildings.

I am quickly broken out of my trance by the sound of my phone ringing. A call from you-know-who (Josh. Not Voldy Moldy.) I declined it and throw my phone in the back seat of the car. 

I kept driving till about noon. I stoped at a gas station for a bathroom break. I walked back to my car and stay there to eat a snack. After eating, I follow my gps to the nearest motel. I drive for an hour or so and then reach my destination.

Meanwhile at Riley's house

Josh's POV

"Where did Maya go?" I asked Riley through gritted teeth.

"I don't know." Said Riley imitating me

"Riley I am being serious." I shouted at her.

"So am I." She shouted back.

I sigh. "Do you at least know for how long she is gone?" I ask her.

"No." She said avoiding eye contact. I could tell she was lying but knew that she wasn't going to tell me. "Anyway why do you care? It's not like you care about her anyway." She said after a pause. 

"Riley I love her like I love you. Like a niece or maybe younger sister." I lied. I see that she looked disappointed and angry, hurt. I had a clue about why she was hurt and angry but not why she was disappointed. I mean Maya was her best friend from when she was 7 so it gave her a right to be angry and hurt.

"So all this time, 'the long game', all this, was just a silly little joke? Yo-" I cut her off.

"Riley-" I start

"Oh save it." She snapped. "All you were doing was playing with her feelings. You never liked her. You just wanted her to think that."

"It's not that if you'd just listen-"

"I've listened for long enough." She interrupts.


"No uncle Josh"

"Riley Matthews-"

"I am not listening, la la la la la-"

"I still like Maya!" I shouted.

"You what?" She screamed, delighted but shocked. "But then why are you dating that imposter?" She asks.

I heave a sigh, "Because I know I am not good for Maya. I feel like I will hurt her. I like Maya Hartfeild but love Maya Hart."

"So you are dating that imposter because she is exactly like Maya and you don't want to hurt her?" Riley asked clearly still unsure.

"Yes." I say. I stare at the bay window.

"Josh, Riley are you coming for breakfast?" I hear Topanga shout from the living room. 

"One minute." Riley shouts back. "We better get going."

"Yeah." I say. We walk into the living room to see Smackle, Farkle, Zay and Lucas there too.

"Riley do you know where Maya is?" Asked Cory. "Shawn texted me saying that Maya was not home." 

"Maya left." Whispered Riley.

"What did you say?" Asked Topanga.

"Maya left." Repeated Riley, this time a little louder but not loud enough.

"Scientific studies have shown that if you speak to silently, sound waves from the will die before they even reach the listener." Said Smackle.

Riley took a deep breath and then said loud and clear "Maya left."

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