Chapter 3 - Regrets

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Draco hadn't slept much that night. All he could think about were all the horrible things he had done. Memories from the Malfoy Manor resurfaced from when Hermione, Ron and Harry were brought to them by snatchers. Bellatrix Lestrange had tortured Hermione and carved the word mudblood into her arm and he couldn't do anything but stand there and watch her writhe and scream in pain, scared. It was then that he vowed to change. He told himself that he would never stand and watch when there was something he could do to stop it. What he was trying to explain to Hermione was that he wasn't loyal to Voldemort, he never was. During the battle at Hogwarts he was fighting for Hogwarts in secret. Draco had never had so much hatred towards one person before. Thinking about all this now made Draco feel even worse, he wished more than anything, that he could go back and not become a deatheater just to please his father.

He got up and dressed into his robes ready for breakfast. As he was leaving the common room, he saw Hermione leaving her bedroom. She looked at him apologetically, but before she had a chance to say anything, he left. He headed towards the Great Hall and just before he was about to sit down, someone threw themselves at him.

'Draco!!' Pansy squealed with excitement as she practically suffocated him with hugs. He never really had liked Pansy. He found her clingy and annoying. He used to think of her as a toy to play with when he got bored. Malfoy pretended to be listening to what she was babbling on about, giving her the occasional nod. He looked over to the Gryffindor table and saw that Hermione was doing the exact same thing that he was, not eating or paying attention to her friends. She looked up and they both made awkward eye contact, before Draco looked down at his plate. He had to admit, there was something about Hermione that made him want to prove himself.

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