Chapter 16 - Surprise

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Hermione's POV

 The Ministry of Magic was busy. People of the wizarding world rushed around frantically as Hermione and Draco walked through the crowds. She looked up at his face to see that his forehead was creased with worry. She grabbed his hand sympathetically and he looked down at her and smiled gratefully.

 'Draco!' A woman shouted. They spun around to see Draco's mother, rushing towards them.

'Mother.' He said as she neared. She wrapped her arms tight around him immediately and he hugged her back.

'Did you get my letter?' She asked. He nodded.

So that was who the letter was from. Hermione thought.

Draco's mother looked over Hermione in surprise.

'Miss Granger?' A look of confusion spread over her face.

Hermione smiled at her nervously

'I'm here for Draco. If you don't mind?' She added politely.

'Of course not! I was just surprised that's all.' She looked back and for between them both suspiciously. 'Anyway, we had better hurry. The trial starts in 5 minutes.'

With that, they headed towards the trial. The hearing room had rows of seats filled with the people that were to decide the fate of Lucius Malfoy. The three of them sat down and waited silently. Just moments later, the new Minister of Magic stood and began to speak. Hermione squeezed Draco's hand.

Lucius Malfoy walked in, with a guard on either side of him. Both his hands and feet were bound together. He smiled as he sat in front of the minister.

Lucius looked around the room until his eyes found what he was looking for. Draco glared down at his father. Hermione could see how much he truly hated him. Lucius's grin disappeared as his eyes met with Hermione's.

'What is that filthy mudblood doing here?!' He shouted. His anger intimidated her, but she pretended otherwise. It was as if it was physically paining him to look at her.

'She is here for me.' Draco stated simply.

'Son?' He said more calmly. 'Why on Earth would you want to be seen with a muggleborn?'

'I am NOT your son!' Draco spat.

'SILENCE!' The minister shouted as Lucius opened his mouth to speak. 'We shall continue.'

Many questions were asked and both Mrs Malfoy and Draco had to give an honest account of what they had witnessed him do. The list was endless. A few minutes passed by as the verdict was being discussed.

The minister turned around. 'The final judgement had been made. Lucius Malfoy, you are hereby sentenced to death. You will be held in Azkaban until a date is set.'

Lucius looked up at Hermione, laughing and speaking this time directly to her.  'You stay away from my son!' This made her angry.

'Oh will you just be quiet! You vile, cruel excuse for a man!'

'Let's go Hermione.' They walked out of the room, Draco said goodbye to his mother and they both promised to write to each other, and they headed back to Hogwarts.

Hermione and Draco were both stood in the common room. Draco had been silent the whole way back.

'Are you alright?' She asked, concerned.

'I'm fine. Actually, Hermione. There is something that I have to tell you, I just don't exactly know how.'

She waited patiently for him to continue. He looked so lost in thought until finally, he spoke.

'Look, there is no other way than to just say it. I like you Hermione. I have for a while now. You are so beautiful and kind and you forgave me for all of the horrible things I have ever done to you, although I have absolutely no idea why. I get that you don't feel the same, I just had to say something.' He looked at her, hopeful and she stood still, in surprise. So many thoughts were going through her head at one time. She had no idea where to look, what to say, and so she did nothing. She just stood there, staring at him.

He turned around, looking upset and walked to his room.

'Draco! Wait, I-.' She started.

'It doesn't matter Hermione, I get it.'

She heard his bedroom door slam loudly shut and the lock slid into place.

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