The Fall Of Shiganshina Part 2

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(Warning a lot of cussing lol)

No ones POV

Hannes, Eren, Mikasa and I continue to walk in Hannes' arms still shocked by Carla Yeager's death none of us said a word until eren started punching Hannes while screaming at him

Eren: "You some of a bitch, We could have saved her, We almost had her out of the ruble, We did you come of all people why ?"

Hannes: "Damn it stop all ready !"

Then Hannes grabs eren's arm and throws him onto the ground

Mikasa: "Eren !"

Mikasa gets out of Hannes' grasp and goes to check on eren meanwhile Y/n also get free and stands and Hannes' side but then he starts weakly punching Hannes' had stares at him while slits in his eyes and streams of tears coming out

Y/n: "Hannes why didn't you kill that stupid titan you had the gear to do so but you didn't and look where that got use our mother died because you were afraid too scared to even start fighting is that it "Trained Soldier" my ass !"

Hannes doesn't look to Y/n in fear of what he might see and decided to ignore him and start talking

Hannes: "Look there's nothing you could have done for her you all understand your all kids, Your weak !"

Eren gets angered at this and goes to punch Hannes but he grabs eren's arm and continues talking

Hannes: "I'm even worse, Y/n is right when push came to shove I was to frightened to hold my ground, Your mother died because I'm a damn coward, I'm sorry !"

So while he has eren's arm he grabs mikaka's and they continue walking while Y/n fallows by eren's side

Mikasa getting flashbacks to when her parents got murdered looks back and says

Mikasa: "It's the same thing all over again"

*Time Skip*

We wait to get onto a ferry that will take us directly into wall rose

As Armin is already on the ferry he looks out to see if he could find Eren, Y/n and Mikasa once he spots them he try's to call out to them but his grandfather stops him saying that he should give them some space for now

Y/n's POV

Mikasa, Eren and I get onto the ferry and then the ferry stats to move leaving many people behind since it was already full enough as people try to jump onto the ferry some succeed, Some fell

Then everyone looks at wall Maria's entrance as a armored titan breaks the gate through leaving a massive hole on the wall as Titans start coming through

Eren: It's all gone now, Our house everything forever, Why was I such a brat, Why did I always fight her, I never even told mom I loved her now I'll never get to, Never !"

Y/n: "It's not over, We'll kill them all every last one of those bastards until all of them are gone I won't stop fighting not now, Not ever !"

*Time Skip*

Y/n, Eren, Mikasa and all rest in wall rose in a empty building

Eren's POV

I was sleeping and having sort of dream or a flashback I don't really know

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