A Blink Into The Future

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Third person pov

Sasha: "Hey did you something that just now" staring at one of the airship's entrances

Jean didn't answer her as he walked forward to calm down the scouts

Jean: "Hey quiet down already !"

Scout 1: "Hey make some noise, Victory !"

Scouts: "YEAH"

Connie: "Isn't lobov still out there ?"

Jean: "I thought he came aboard by now ?"

Then suddenly a girl (Gabi) rolls into the airship and aims her rifle and...












The bullet goes through sasha's abdomen and she falls to the floor ???

Y/n: 'Sasha No !!'

You wanted to reach out to Sasha but you couldn't

Tears rained down your face as you look at sasha's wound then the girl that shot her giving her a face of rage even though she couldn't see you

Connie: "Sasha ??"

The girl (gabi) reloads her rifle as she prepares another shot and aims at Jean while Jean does the same with his gun but a yellow haired boy (Falco) jump tackles the girl causing them to both miss their shot as the other scouts go to beat the kids senseless while Connie and Jean check on Sasha

Connie: "Shasha come on hang in there !"

Sasha: "You're so... damn loud..."

Sasha: "Are we...eating soon....?" Sasha said as she continues to bleed out

Jean: "Bandages now ! We gotta stop the bleeding !"

Scout 2: "Right !"

Connie: "Sasha, Make it to the island !"

Sasha: "Niccolo.....Y/n.....Make me some...meat please ?"

Once some scouts finishe bandaging sasha some other scout with a weird hair style starts talking holding the two kinds by their hair while their faces are bruised and bleeding

Hair scout (floch): "Jean they climbed aboard using Lobov's ODM gear I'll toss them off the airship alright ?"

Jean: "Damn it if we toss kids out of an airship will the killing ever stop ?"

Little Girl (Gabi): "Don't touch me you devils !! Marley hasn't lost yet, Marley's comrades will carry on the will of war cheif zeke !"

Limitless boy: "Gabi just stop resisting !"

Hair Scout (Floch): "What do we do with them Jean ?"

Gabi: "Us true eldians are gonna haunt you till you die, Pass that on to your ringleader after I'm dead !"

Jean: "I'll take you to him, You tell him exactly what you told me"

Jean takes the kids and opens a door to reveal Armin, Mikasa, A homeless man (Eren), Some blonde guy with his arms and lesgs cut off (Zeke), Other people but last and not least me but some what older ???

Blonde Guy (Zeke): "Gabi, Falco what are you two doing here ?"

Falco: "Why, Why are you ?"

Gabi: "You're alive why did you let them capture you ?!?!"

Black haired guy (Levi): "Who are these kids ?"

Jean: "They killed Lobov and used his gear to come aboard, Sasha was shot by this one" as he shakes Gabi slightly

Jean: "I don't know if she's gonna make it !"

Then Armin, Mikasa and older me run out the door to go to sasha

Some lady with glasses open the exit from the control room ? And enter our room

Glasses Lady (Hange): It's all you now Onyankopon !"

Onyankopon: "Right Hange !"

Hange: "Well did everything go as you planned Zeke Yeager ?"

*Reality, The day before the night of the closing ceremony*

You sprung up from your bead in a cold sweat as you try and process what just happened isn't your dream ? Vision ?

You had so many questions but no true answers but that wasn't important as you continued your day trying to forget you nightmare

(Okay I know you may be confused but hear me out Y/n received this memory from someone in the future and witnessing this event from their memory of the event but he's not physically there with them he is spectating it if that makes sense that's why he doesn't know who floch is because he hasent met floch yet but the Y/n that is older and physically there does know floch)

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