A Species lost to time

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The conflict between the humans and fish men has been going on for centuries, you know about it, your grandkids will probably know about it, even your dog knows about it.

However there is another race humans have been battling with, most of which were killed or sold for slavery. The conflict between them has been going on for so long that it's been written about in religious texts.


But they aren't quite like the ones written in books, for starters they are not evil, in fact they are one of the most peaceful races despite being so powerful.

They look like normal people, despite the large horns on their head, the size of which dictates which gender they are. They have two sets of gender, male and female as well as alpha, Beta and omega.
(Smaller horns = omega, huge ones =Alpha, and upside down horns = beta )

This is how the war started, celestial dragons and nobles saw the rarity in omega males and captured them for...... well you know.
In fact only one demon remains above ground, funnily enough, they are in fact an omega who goes by the name: Roanoa Zoro

Demonic omega_ a Zoro x Sanji story Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu