𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖀𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖉

Start from the beginning

Sasuke knows what he did yesterday was considered rape, even if Naruto didn't resist him, Naruto surely didn't agreed to it either, and if he did agree, Sasuke is still at fault because Naruto was drugged by Orochimaru.

Speaking of Orochimaru - he needs to talk to him.

He fixed himself first before exiting the dark training room. His thoughts drifted back to Naruto “If Naruto found out about this, would he even forgive me? He's going to be disgusted by, isn't he?.” Sasuke defeatingly thought.

Sasuke didn't bother knocking and just opened the door loudly, interrupting Kabuto and Orochimaru on whatever they were talking about. As if they were expecting Sasuke's sudden intrusion, Orochimaru signal his apprentice to give them space - Kabuto obeyed without questioning.

"What do you need?." Orochimaru asked while he examined a small glass of a odd yellowish liquid.

Not giving Sasuke the chance to say the reason why he's here, Orochimaru handed him the glass, "Can you taste this first?." Orochimaru ordered while he expectantly readied his pad, he would probably write Sasuke's answers.

Sasuke roll his eyes before drinking the whole thing, not bothering to ask if it's safe. He cringe at the sour taste, "Too sour. What the fuck is this?." Sasuke asked while he glare at the small glass.

Orochimaru didn't bother answering Sasuke's question, as he rapidly write on his paper. The Snake Sannin pour some green liquid, it slowly turn to purplish color.

"Now try this one." Orochimaru ordered, Sasuke grudgingly took the damn glass and drank it. He was expecting it would taste nasty - but it didn't, it taste good, not too sweet and definitely not sour. Just right for Sasuke's liking. If he wasn't in a hurry, he would probably ask Orochimaru for more.

"Good." Sasuke croaked.

Again, Orochimaru wrote something on his paper, Sasuke impatiently wait for him to finish whatever he was writing, "Okay, What were you saying again?." Orochimaru asked while he put down the pad.

"The syringe you use on Naruto …" Sasuke said, unsure on what he was about to say.

"What about it?." Orochimaru innocently thought, but deep inside he knows what Sasuke is trying to say, he's just waiting for him to spit it out.

"What does it contains?."

"Didn't I already told you it's safe, it doesn't have any harmful side effects."

"Bullshit." The Uchiha hissed, while he stomp he's way to his Sensei, "You put something else, didn't you?." Sasuke accused.

Orochimaru didn't said anything, and just stare down at Sasuke before chuckling. Sasuke glare at him, he knows Orochimaru is mocking him.

"You got me." Orochimaru admitted.

"I did put something else on the needle but it's nothing serious - "

"Why don't you just say what you put instead of saying it's not harmful."

"Aphrodisiac." Orochimaru bluntly stated.

"Out of anything you could add, you chose adding that." Sasuke dumbfoundingly muttered, he suddenly had the urge to pull his hair off.

"Don't act as if you didn't enjoy, Kabuto had to put silent seals all over the wall, think how many silent seals were wasted." Orochimaru said annoyingly and walked pass his student.

"And also, it does have some side effects, he will most likely gonna forget about what you two did or if he did remembers, he will just think it was just a dream."

"Are you sure that's it?." Sasuke worryingly asked, still not convinced about the whole aphrodisiac thing.

Orochimaru sigh, he mumbled something about something ungrateful brat and ordered Sasuke to follow him.

"Where are we going?."

"I'm going to check Naruto, you don't need to be so protective Sasuke-kun. I told you I'm not against on your … relationship with him." Orochimaru assured.

Sasuke just went silent, "I also heard from someone … you're good at acting innocent, you should use that now." Orochimaru suggested.

Acting innocent?.”

Before Sasuke ask what Orochimaru mean by his statement, they had already arrived at Sasuke's room and already opened the door.

There they saw a sleeping Naruto, he was shivering it was probably because he laying on the cold floor.

"Can't you atleast let him lay on my bed?." Sasuke practically begged.

"Just this once."

Sasuke didn't need to be told twice, he hurriedly went to Naruto and unchained him, they heard Naruto wince when he was lifted up from the floor. Sasuke made sure he was laying comfortably on his bed, adjusting his position and even wrapping a thin blanket, Sasuke tuck him securely wrapped him like a cocoon. .

Your strength is also your greatest weakness.”

After Orochimaru did his small check up Naruto, Sasuke could finally relaxed and be relieved. Orochimaru had already left an hour ago and he said he's going to come back, any minute now. Sasuke just decided to cherish his alone time with Naruto.

Sasuke was peacefully watching Naruto sleep, he knows what he's doing is creepy but he just couldn't help it, but never in a million years would he tell this to Naruto, he would rather let Orochimaru take over his body than telling Naruto he had been watching him sleep.

Stupid bangs.” Sasuke irritatingly thought and was about to reach for Naruto's bangs when - Naruto suddenly opened his eyes.

Blue eyes met the black ones, staring at each other as if they can't believe the other was there. Sasuke immediately retreated his hand, and was about to make up some random excuse when the door flew open.

"Sasuke-kun … Do you -  Oh, you're awake?." Orochimaru said and went inside, Naruto tense at the Sannin's presence.

Orochimaru smile sweetly at him before saying, "Follow me."

Naruto looked hesitant to follow Orochimaru's orders but felt calm when he felt Sasuke's hand on his side, "Let's go, Orochimaru don't like waiting."

The Jinchūriki nodded and slide towards the edge of the bed, he stand up but immediately crouched when he felt a sudden pain on his hips and tailbone.

It felt like the pain was internal. Sasuke was immediately on his side to help him, he put Naruto on his back without any warning. Obviously Naruto complained but Sasuke completely ignore them.

What did really Orochimaru did to me?!…”

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