"That'll be twenty dollars" She said walking away to the from desk and I nodded my head. I stood up in front of the mirror playing with my now shorter hair. I grabbed my wallet from the chair and walked over to Gabriel who saw it in my hand making me glare at me.

"You know I'm not letting you pay" He said grabbing the wallet from my hand as we walked to the lady together.

"What are you doing? Give me my wallet" I cough up with him as he pulled out his black card and I sighed crossing my arms.

"You never let me pay for anything" I watched as he handed the card to her and the hairstylist looked at it in awe as she swiped the card. She briefly looked up a bit red and looked at Gabriel.

"This is your card?" She asked handing him the card back and he nodded his head, stuffing it into his wallet.

"Have a nice day" I wrapped my arms around his as we walked out, I looked back meeting with her eyes and I smiled wickedly making her look away quickly.

"You asshole..." I muttered under my breath hearing him laugh as we walk towards the car.


"Mommy! Aunt Jennie is here!" Ava's loud voice is heard from the living room as soon as we opened the front door. Jennie comes out from the kitchen and comes towards me pulling me into a hug. I squeezed my best friend tight from missing her, I haven't seen her in a while.

"I missed you so much! Omg how many months are you?" She said placing her hand on my stomach and I laughed about to answer.

"Wait before you answer that I heard what happened with Chase and Ariel and I'm sorry I didn't call, everything has been so hectic. I quit my job yesterday... my boss was being an asshole and so I quit" I gasped covering my mouth with my hand.

"It's okay you don't have to apologize, does that mean that your staying here meanwhile?" I looked between Gabriel and Jennie. My best friend nodded her head and I squealed trying hard not to jump up and down even though I was excited.

"Yes I'm so excited, I heard Dalvin found an apartment so I'll be taking over the guest house... thank you Gabriel" He nodded his head.

"Anytime Jennie. Ava did you finish your homework?" Ava's head popped out from the living room and she quickly ran back in laughing. Gabriel went after her and we could hear the loud laughter from her as he chased her around the living room.

"How many months are you?" Jennie asked and I looked over at me smiling.

"I'm six months now... time is going by so fast. I can't help but think about giving birth and how scary it's gonna be"

"You'll have your boyfriend and best friend beside you when that happens. I'm excited to meet my little nephews" She placed her hand on my belly again.


"What's wrong Aubrey?" The teenage girl sat down beside me, laying her head on my shoulder sighing heavily.

"Nothing... since it's my junior year. I'm getting so much work and pressure from the guidance counselor. She wants me to start planning on what colleges I want to attend too,scholarships and all this crap about financial aid" I patted her head and grabbed the remote the control, pausing the tv show.

"Don't be stressed out, once you figure out what you want to do when you get older it'll get easier... for now don't stress and just gather ideas of what colleges you like and what courses they have" I felt her nod her head.

"You should go take a nap at least..." Aubrey stood up silently and left the room, a few minutes later I heard multiple footsteps coming in the house and I looked back seeing Jennie, Gabriel, Alex, and Manuel. My eyes looked between Alex and Jennie and I stared at Jennie who just shrugged her shoulder. The brothers walked away and Jennie came around the sofa and sat down next to me.

"Since when do you and Alex stand near each other so civil?" I asked genuinely confused because Jennie was a type to while grudges but she seemed okay with his presence.

"We had a talk about a week ago... he actually apologized for being a dickhead and an asshole... his words not mine. I'm not entirely over it because deep down I do love him still but you know eventually I'll find someone who's worthy of my love this time" I nodded my head pulling her into a hug. Someone clearing their throat made us pull apart and I looked back seeing Gabriel looking at us awkwardly.

"Can I speak to Gaby Jennie?" Gabriel asked jokingly and she nodded her head. Gabriel helped me up and led me outside we stopped in front of the poor and he pecked my lips quickly.

"My brother's and I are going out for a drink later on, so I won't see you till late, I just wanted to let you know" He placed his hand on my cheek caressing it softly.

"Okay that's fine, how's everything going at work with the clubs and stuff?" I ran my hands down his chest hearing take in a deep breath.

"It's good nothing to worry about, I'm opening up a new club soon hopefully by Halloween it'll open and I'll be making extra side cash" I nodded my head and he leaned down capturing my lips.

"Gabriel let's go" We pulled away from each other quickly and Manuel smiled watching us.

"Hey Gaby how are you?" He came outside giving me a side hug and I did the same. "I'm doing good" Manuel then excused himself back inside.

"Don't wait up for me tonight..." I nodded my head.

"Be careful. I love you" I said to him as he left.

"I love you to baby"
West Wide - Ariana Grande

EDITED 12/28/23


Thank you for reading❤️
THANK YOU FOR 280k reads
Sorry for the short chapter, I've been having a hard time writing but I wanted to post something :)

Thank you for reading❤️THANK YOU FOR 280k readsSorry for the short chapter, I've been having a hard time writing but I wanted to post something :) GO STREAM PAINT THE TOWN LOONA SECOND WIN!!!❤️

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