See Emily Play on Arnold Lane (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Her index finger hovered hesitantly over the photograph, believing that a malevolent curse would befall her if she were to touch it.

"...If she and Rohan-"

The ringing of her cell-phone shot her sentence dead. She rose from her leather-clad couch, shouted "I'll get it!" into the darkness, snickered sarcastically to herself, then stumbled through the twilight's innards as it used hundreds of ghostly hands to playfully swat her around her apartment, pretending to be a cat and treating her like a toy full of catnip. Reimi was annoyed from crashing into her furniture and walls, but her annoyance died when she saw who was calling her.

"And speak of the devil!" She answered the phone with a click. "...Ew, what's a stinky asparagus goblin doing in my phone?"

"Well well, I wasn't expecting the pink menace to actually answer!" Rohan quipped. "What are you doing at this hour? Nearly burning your apartment down trying to summon Zuul in your refrigerator?"

"Hey, Rohan, I was seven when I tried to do that, get off my back." They shared a hearty laugh then Reimi said, "So why are you calling? Did you get caught shoplifting again?"

"Haha, very funny." Reimi could practically see his eyes rolling on the other end. "But in all seriousness, the reason why I'm calling is quite important."

Reimi glanced at Arnold with a playful expression and bit the tip of her tongue, grinning. She turned back to the phone, "Ah, I know what's wrong! You finally lost that Burger King crown you always wear-"

But Rohan's voice suddenly leaked shadows that could darken a soul in seconds. "Reimi Sugimoto, I'm not joking around anymore. This is an urgent situation and I would love it if we dropped the banter for a few minutes."

"Oh," Reimi began, feeling foolish for succumbing to the twilight's childish behavior. "I'm sorry. What's eating at you? Is everything alright?"

The mangaka, forgetting he was on a phone call, shook his head somberly. All he had to say was, "Reimi...(M/n) is back in my life."

The woman looked back at the photograph, where the twilight was salivating over the mangaka's misery; it's inky saliva darkened his eyes, leaving them to be black abysses. "She's back!? After all these years!? I-How!? When!? Why!? Wha-"

Rohan stopped her prating with, "I know, but get this: that's not even the craziest part. You see...(M/n) and I had a child. A daughter to be exact."

It may have been the ravens outside using Rohan's bones as grindstones to hone their screeches, but there was something about Reimi's silence that crushed his bones to dust. Reimi loves kids, Rohan thought to himself. She should be squealing with delight and yapping my ear off and asking me a million questions! So why is she so silent? Then he heard a sharp inhale on her end as she commanded,

"Rohan, tell me what happened."

He could feel turmoil creep through his bones like a fox hunting down a rabbit in its burrow as he told the story in its entirety, from receiving the letter to the events that went down in the Cinderella Beauty Salon; and when he told her what (Y/n) had told him about (M/n), her stomach folded in on itself; especially when she heard about her eye.

"Oh my God," Reimi replied once the story was finished, "that poor baby..."

"And that's why I called you, Reimi. If there's anyone who would be a perfect mother figure to (Y/n), it's you. The poor child needs all of the love in the world...would you be able to stay with us until (M/n) comes back?"

Reimi saw a single star burning itself into the night sky. She liked to believe that many children—and even adults—were wishing on the star for their dreams to come true. "Oh Rohan, I would love nothing more! It feels like forever since I've last been to Morioh, it'll be great seeing everyone again! Oh, wait a second." Reimi looked down at Arnold, who tilted his head and perked his ears. "How does (Y/n) feel about dogs? If I'll be staying with you two for some time, then I'm going to have to bring Arnold-"

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