First impression

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There they were standing inside the tubes, preparing to squishinate. Their hearts racing, preparing to meet their new partner. They traveled through the tubes, while lights flashed beside them. The cool wind pushing their hair behind while they sped along the tubes.

Then they were quickly sent to Odd Squad HQ. Otis arrived there first, he looked into Ms. O's eyes. They nodded at each other. Telling each other that their secret would be kept, no one would find out.

After that, Olympia arrived, she looked at her new partner, his face was expressionless, unreadable. He had brownish blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, misery was in his eyes, but she couldn't see anything else but that.

He caught a quick glance at her, her eyes are full of energy, a huge smile plastered on her face, her auburn hair tied in a high ponytail with a red elastic. She looks so cheerful and happy. She probably knows nothing about how cruel this world is. He told himself.

Then they were sent to an office downtown. Our first official case! Olympia thought.

They interrogated the odd people and put their info into a chart. There was no match. Otis looked at Olympia. She looked sad and frustrated. He sat beside her and comforted her.

"I can't believe there's no match... it's over" Olympia buried her face in her hands

Otis frowned and asked, "What do you mean, where's the cheerful and bubbly girl I spent the last 2 hours with?"

"It's over, we can't do this... I can't do this..." she said, holding back tears.

This time Otis put a hand on her shoulder, she looked up so he said, "Then we go back for help."

That added fuel to the fire and she closed her eyes, bit her lip and said, "We're not supposed to need help! We're agents, we're supposed to do this ourselves."

"What are you saying?" He said, not happy where this conversation is going.

Olympia stood up and said sadly, "I'm not ready. I'm going back to the academy."

What? She's gonna give it all up? But she has potential, she's the nicest person I ever talked to, the most talkative one, she shouldn't give up! Otis thought.

He walked up to her and said, "Hey! Olympia! You can't give up!"

"I told you, I'm not ready, why do you care anyway? You don't even like me. You barely talk to me." she didn't stop walking back to HQ

Otis shook his head and gave a long pep talk to her, "I've said more words and interacted with you more than anyone in my entire life. You're smart,  cheerful, hard-working and you have so much potential. Don't give up, we can still solve this case."

She blushed a light pink as he talked and complimented her. Really? That's the nicest thing anyone ever said to me... she thought

After a few seconds, she turned around and said softly, "You really think so?"

"I know so, now let's go back to the case." he said confidently, tugging Olympia's arm, signaling her to follow him.

They solved the case together and saved Ms. O from danger. After all the paperwork being filled, they finally had a moment with eachother.

Both of them sat down on a park bench. They were sitting together in silence, admiring the greenery. Their thighs and elbows were touching, causing them both to blush a bit. 

Then Olympia broke the silence, "Um... thanks for convincing me not to quit, Otis."

"Anytime, you'd have done the same for me.", Otis continued to look at the trees.

They were quiet again, the silence slowly became awkward so she asked:

"Did you really mean all of it?"

He thought for a second: Did I really mean it? She worked her butt off to be an agent, so she's hardworking, smart because she solved most of the case, cheerful for being who she is.

Then he turned his head, Otis locked eyes with her, this was the first time he actually looked at her face for a while. She's really pretty, really. Tiny strands of auburn coloured hair framing her face perfectly, red rectangular glasses making her hazel eyes look brown and cute. And the curiosity in her eyes making her Olympia.

Then he spoke, "Yes, all of it."

She smiled slightly and leaned closer to Otis for an embrace. It wasn't a bear hug or a really soft hug. Just in between, just perfect. Making them both feel nervous and having butterflies in their stomach but they didn't stop because they felt safe around each other.

After that, they broke up the hug. Olympia waved her hand and smiled, "See you tomorrow I guess, partner."

Otis just waved and didn't say anything. Do something, anything. But he didn't move, his face expressionless again.

She looked a little disappointed but then they parted their ways. Neither of them wanted to leave, but Otis looked uninterested and calm. He wanted to lean forward and kiss her but he can't. He's too afraid. He never had any family or friends. Olympia is all he had of a friend.

All of this is new to him. He didn't know if Olympia liked him or not. He didn't want to risk their friendship, so he just stood there, keeping his distance, waiting for himself to be ready, waiting for Olympia to signal him something.

Otis seemed uninterested and Olympia got a little bit hurt. Everytime he gets close, he parts his way. She wanted to tell him she likes him a lot, but she just can't. He doesn't seem to like her that way. So she hoped for tomorrow to be a better day.

A better day for her and Otis.

A better day for him and Olympia.

Author's note:

Hi! If you wanna know why I'm not taking the story slow is because... this is gonna be a short story (Around 6 chapters), people like fast progress and because they liked each other a lot. So yeah, there  you are, the first chapter, hope you enjoyed it! Voter comment if you feel like doing it and see you in the next chapter! I'm planning to post 4-5 days later so stay tuned! Bye for now :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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