Chapter 31

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Two years later...

Hector Rivera was shuffling through the work files on his desk when he heard a firm knock on his door. He'd specifically told the home staff he didn't want to be disturbed under any circumstance.

He needed to sort the files before his next meeting with the board of directors. He heard the knock again but he ignored it and picked up another folder.

The figures were looking very good.

The person knocked one last time and opened the door without waiting to be asked to enter.

"I believe I made it clear that distractions would not be tolerated," Hector said coldly. He didn't even lift his eyes from what he was doing because he didn't think whoever entered was important enough for that.

"I don't think that principle extends to your darling daughter. I'm your only child, after all." An amused voice said.

Hector looked up at once. His mouth dropped open and his eyes widened.

"Beatrice!" He gasped. He hadn't expected to see her so soon.

Beatrice chuckled and closed the door behind her. She looked even more beautiful than ever before. She looked at her father and was pleased to see that he was looking well. His hair was almost completely grey but rather than it making him look old, it suited him perfectly.

"In the flesh. You're looking well." She told him. She didn't even wait for him to offer her a seat. She sat opposite him and smiled sweetly.

"I haven't seen you in two months. Where have you been?" Hector eyed his daughter trying to reassure himself that she wasn't a figment of his imagination.

"Oh, here and there. My private practice is kicking off well. You'd be surprised by how busy I've been for the last few weeks." She smiled.

Hector frowned.
"Not too busy, I hope. You should be taking things easy now. I'm surprised your husband is allowing you work so much." He sniffed indignantly. He obviously still held a grudge.

Beatrice laughed at the disdainful look in his eyes. She could guess the question he was dying to ask but his pride wouldn't let him. He was still trying hard to pretend like he didn't like his son-in-law.

"We both know no one can stop me when I start. Ethan sends his greetings." She said.

Hector eyed her.
"Did he really?" He sounded skeptical.

Beatrice laughed again.
"Yes. The same way you're sending yours back to him." She said.

Hector grumbled but didn't complain. Ethan and Hector had established an awkward relationship when he'd married Beatrice a year ago. They respected each other and agreed to call a truce.

"Why isn't Ethan here with you? Aren't newlyweds supposed to be inseparable?" Hector asked, picturing all the evil things he'd do to Ethan for leaving Beatrice alone.

"He's picking me up for lunch. I wanted to see you first. It's been too long." Beatrice said.

"Be careful now. I'll start thinking you love me." Hector grumbled but Beatrice could tell he was pleased.

Beatrice grinned at her father until her eyes landed on a portrait picture of her mother hanging on the wall.

"Where's mother?" Beatrice asked softly.

"She's in France. She'll be sorry she missed you. I'll tell her you came by to see me. That'd make her jealous." Hector smirked.

Beatrice's smile became wider.
"I doubt it would. We're having dinner next Monday. She said you're not invited." She announced.

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