Chapter 12 : Trust

Start from the beginning

"There will have to be completed by two or more members of your team. Normally we like to have the campers choose their partners. But not this time. More fun for me.


We relocated to an area with a giant wall.

"Okay, so for the first challenge, you'll be doing an extreme free-hand rock climbing adventure. Dj and Duncan will play for the Bass and Heather and Gwen for the Gophers." Chriss smiled as Gwen let out a groan.

"Here's your belay and harness." Chris tossed them.

Heather quickly snatched the harness from Gwen.

"Hey, what's your damage?" Gwen glared.

"If you think I'm letting you hold me up, you're nuts," Heather stated.

"You won't be holding her up exactly. One camper pulls the slack through the belay as their partner climbs. If the climber falls the belay will stop them from crashing. The catch: both the side and the base of the mountain are rigged with a little and a few minor distractions like rusty nails, slippery oil slicks, and mild explosives and a few other surprises." Chris said.

"Wicked." Harold smiled.

"The person on belay must also harness their partner up. It's all about trust people and remember. Never let go of the rope. Your partner's life depends on it."

"Excuse me, can we trade partners? I really don't feel like being dropped on my head., " Gwen stated.

"Puh-lease, as much as I love your company, I'm not gonna throw a challenge just to kill you. Yet. Now spread 'em." Heather said as Gwen rolled her eyes.

We watched Heather hook Gwen up.

"There, you're all hooked up, " Heather said smiling.

"What's the second rope for?" Gwen asked.

"It's a backup line, " Heather said still smiling.

"What are you smiling about?" Gwen narrowed her eyes.

'What Heather up to now?'


Dj and Gwen began climbing. An explosion went off in front of Gwen and she sent falling.

Heather actually caught Gwen and stopped her from falling.

Chris then shot Heather with some sort of sauce making Heather let go of the role causing Gwen to fall.

She got back up and she continued climbing.

"Come on, Gwen! You don't wanna fall, behind!" Heather pulled one of the ropes causing the ack of her skirt to rip off.

Okay... That was shocking and unexpected. Dj goit distracted by um... Gwen and lost his balance.

"Get...screw it," Gwen growled and continued climbing.

"Looks like the Gophers win the first challenge, " Chris said.


Trent, Lindsay, Bridgette, and Geoff were taken to the main lodge to do the next challenge.

The rest of us were left to do whatever. I saw Heather walking around the camp. I quickly close my journal and try to get Heather attention.

"Heather, " I started.

She turned and glanced at me.

"Oh, hi Kev-"

"Is your eye ok?" I quickly asked.

Everyone Deserves love (Heather x Oc) (Book 1) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now