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hello... it's been a while. as in a year... oops.

I still love Draco, I just don't have much inspiration for fan fiction right now. plus, reading back my old imagines makes me cringe beyond belief so on behalf of the me from those years ago, I am awfully sorry.

anyway, this is pretty rushed but I wanted to update and wish you all a happy 2021 eventhough it's April (whattt)

thank you for reading!

oh and your perfect and you deserve to have an amazing day, so tell yourself that, thank your body so getting you here, and whatever you've done today, even if it's just waking up, I'm proud of you :) x

It was the mirror's fault. She didn't want to be sad, not right now, not when she was doing so well. It had been a great day; she hung out with her friends, laughed until she could hardly breathe, and eventually got round to seeing Draco sneaking some time in the common room.

But now, she was alone. And her mind was loudest then.

The mirror made her feel disoriented. Her thighs looked completely weirdly shaped, her stomach looked disgusting, her face... it didn't belong to her. The smile seemed foreign on her lips, her eyes didn't twinkle, her teeth weren't perfect. The mirror was telling the truth, right? This figure staring blankly at her was... her.

And soon she was being swallowed by words, whirlpooling around her, making the air tight and the ground shake.

your not good enough.
no one wants you.
your imperfections are loud.
whats the point?
your not good enough.

Soom enough, the world was caving  in around her and she felt the familiar lump in her throat begin to tighten. Silent cries, ones which were masked so well, too well, filled the empty room. She was alone. Alone with herself. Alone with her insecurities.

A quick knock at the door threw her senses back into reality and her heart dropped as she hurried to grab a baggy sweater to hide herself with. "Just a second!" She croaked out, clearing her throat to mask the fact she had been crying.

"It's only me, love." Draco. Her boyfriend. Of course. She remembered their plans for the evening and instantly regretted making any at all. The last thing someone wants when feeling like this is too fake a smile when it feels nearly impossible to be anything close to happy.

She was so used to saying 'I'm fine' when asked if she was okay, so used to making up excuses to avoid social events so no one saw her for who she really was.

"Can I come in yet? It's boring out here." She quickly swiped the tears from under her eyes and sorted out her clothing before walking to the door, inhaling sharply, then opening it. Draco was leaning against the wall just by the door, hands in his pockets, a smirk on his face. "Good evening, Y/N/N."

"Evening Malfoy," she replied cheekily, stepping aside to let him come into her bedroom then quickly adjusting her hair. Draco made the short route to her bed and instantly fell onto it, running a hand through his platinum locks and shifting till he was comfortable. "Please, make yourself at home." Y/N chuckled slightly, making him look up at her from his position on the bed. He propped himself up so he could look at her properly. It was then he realised her puffy eyes, slightly discoloured cheeks, and nervous demeanor.

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