Old times

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When everyone isnt around each other they are talking in their native language. So when Mari isnt with the class she is talking in Chinese same with everyone around here. When the class isnt with Mari they are talking in French. When they are together I will tell you what language they are speaking in


(Maris prov) 

I dont like that the bodyguard had to come and get my stuff but the limo was defenently a bonus. Im just homing when I meet up with everyone again they wont ask questions although knowing them im going to hear no end of it

"Hey blue you ready to see your place again" James asked 

"Well duh Fox. I cant wait to see my parents again to, but first" I said and then I told the driver to stop

I pushed everyone out of the limo and told him to go to the castle we would be there in a bit. By a bit I meant a while

"Blue what are we doing" Carson asked 

"Dont tell me you guys forgot what we did almost every time we walked to my house after school" I asked fake offended 

They all just smirked and got into running stances. I stood inbetween Carson and Lane also getting ready to run 

"On three" James said 

"One... Two.... Three" we all counted and then we were off 

The moment we took off I could tell of us have gotten faster than the last time we raced. We had to dodge people who were walking and just like old times we would all use the back ways at somepoint to get a head of the others. 

(Adrains Prov) 

we were on our way to the hotel when I looked out side and say four people up ahead in a running postion

"Hey guys isnt that Mari and her friends" Chloe asked 

"Yeah it is, I wonder why they are like that didnt they have a limo" Alya asked 

All of a sudden they were off running. I was suprised at how fast Marientte was running, when we are in gym class she doesnt run that fast

"Whoa look at how fast they are" Alix said 

"Yeah ive never seen Marientte run that fast before" Nat said 

They kept on running into allys and then reappering infront of the rest. Three of then ducked into an ally since there was boxes covering the sidewalk with no way around. Mari kept running towards them though and I could see that she had a smirk on her face. Before she ran into the boxes, she some how ran up the wall of a building and pushed off of it. She put her hands out and them to push off of the boxes. She looked like those parkcore artists in America

"Since when can she do that" Alya asked 

"I dont know but that was cool" Nino said 

That was the last we saw of her though since the bus turned 

(Marientte prov) 

After I jumped the boxes I kept running and running. I was getting worried because Carson, Lane, and James havnt come out of the allys ways yet. When I looked behind me I saw that they were all behind me with a determained look. I smiled at that and picked up my running

-----time skip-------

In the end I won with Lane close behind me and then Carson then James. We were all on the gound in my front yard spreadout like startfishes on the grass trying to catch our breaths

"N...Nice.... Job.... Blue" James breathed 

"Yeah...when did... you... get so.... fast" Lane asked 

"I still...had to keep... my training...up even in France" I breathed out

We all took some more time to catch our breaths before we stood and decided to go inside. When we got inside a wave of memories hit me and all I could do was smile

"Oh my gosh Mari is that you" 

I turned my head to see a boy with brown hair, bright blue eyes that remind everyone of the beach. He had the most smothest skin out there and it just sparkled in the sun

"Lance!!" I shouted and ran over to him

Me and him hugged. Lance is one of the palaces workers even though all of the workers feel like family. He started to work here a year before I had to leave. Me and him became friends right away, it could have been because he was my age or it was because he was funny and good company to have around. He started to work here because his family was having money problems and he wanted to help out. He hasnt left even though his dad has a well paying job

"Oh my gosh how are you. How is Keith doing and your family" I asked 

"Well I'm doing wonderful. Keith is still Keith but I still love him. My family is doing great, Veronica went to America to get more schooling. Leo has another kid, she is the cutest thing. The twins havnt changed that much other than they are going through that teenage phase. Rose is doing good she is in 6th grade now which is insane. My mom is doing well, and my dad now owns the company he was working for since the last owner didnt have anyone to pass it down to. But enough about me how are you, I havnt seen you in so long" Lance asked 

"Well thats good to hear. Im doing good. School in France was intresting. Me and Carson are dating but im sure you knew about that. Im just happy to be back home though" I said 

"Well your room is still the way you left it and waiting for you and the three over there. I have to get back to work though, but on one of my days off we should get together" Lance said

"Yes we have to. Come on guys lets go" I said 

Me and the three insane people ran to my room. When we got there I couldnt help my self from just jumping on my bed. The three followed me in doing so ending with all of us laughing our heads off. Tikki was already enjoying her section of my room, napping away. We all ended up talking which then turned into us watching disney movies and singing along to all of the movies. 

----------time skip-------

It was pretty late now and we were just watching one of our favorite movies. Bridge to terabithia. Lane was laying her head on James chest. He has his arms rapped around her. Me and Carson were in the same position. Eventally James and Lane fell asleep, I got up off the bed and got a blanket for them and me and Carson. I made sure to turn the lights down even more so it was even darker exept for the TV. I put the blanket on Lane and James and then went back to how I was on Carson with the blanket over us to. We kept watching the movie and I dont know when I did I started to fall asleep myself but before I could I heard Carson whisper something

"I love you Mairentte" 

I smiled and fell into a wonderful sleep

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