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So just a warning. I had a lot of difficulty with this chapter. I had to do a lot of research but if any of the information I am giving you isn't true please let me know. I had a lot of requests for this chapter so don't get mad if this isn't what you wanted, because life isn't all fun and games. Omg, why did that sentence sound so depressed. I'll try to start now. Also, I would 100% recommend this song while reading.

The last few weeks felt like the best weeks of Draco's life. Hermione and he had started dating and had a great relationship. If you told Draco he would be living with and dating Hermione Granger a few months ago, he would probably start laughing hysterically. They had kissed many times over those weeks and gone on some "dates" (which consisted of Draco mainly showing off his horrible cooking skills of which Hermione endlessly made fun of.) Every day he woke up feeling even happier than the previous day. Life was going great for Draco Malfoy.

On the 20th of June, Draco woke up feeling content. It was Saturday which automatically made everything better. Although, now that Draco was thinking about it, it wasn't as though he had anything to do during the week anyway. He got out of bed, dressed, and brushed his teeth. Once he was in the living room he realized Hermione wasn't awake yet, so he decided to make her some breakfast in bed. He was honestly the worst cook ever but that didn't mean he couldn't try. He made some pancakes (burnt), eggs (over-salted), and freshly squeezed orange juice (with peels). He put them on a tray, walked to her room, and found her sleeping. He walked over to her bed and shook her awake. Hermione slowly opened her eyes. "Ugg, why is it so cold in here. How long has the air-conditioner been on?" she groggily said while pulling the covers closer.

"What do you mean? The apartment is the same temperature as normal," Draco replied in confusion. Hermione didn't answer; just coughed and turned over in her bed. "Hermione?" he asked starting to get a little concerned.

"Just let me go back to bed; I am so tired," she said between coughs.

"Hermione. Please do me a favor and try getting out of bed."

She rolled over again so she was facing Draco and slowly sat up. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and put her head in her hands. "What's wrong now, Hermione?" Draco asked again.

"Can you get me an Ibuprofen? I have a pounding headache, a stuffy nose, and I feel horrible all over." she moaned and laid back down.

Draco was definitely panicking now. He left quickly, threw the breakfast away, gave Hermione an Ibuprofen, and opened his computer. The more he read the worse it got; fever/chills, coughs, fatigue, headache, and congestion which were the most prominent symptoms for Covid-19. He grabbed the thermometer and took her temperature, much to her chagrin. It was 100.6 which was bad. Draco ran back out to the living room and FaceTimed Theo and Blaise. They picked up and did a double-take because of the expression on Draco's face. "Guys! You have to help me! I think Hermione has Covid."

"Seriously? What is her temperature? Has she been coughing?" Blaise asked frantically.

"100.6 and yes. I don't know what to do!" Draco distraughtly exclaimed.

"Take her for a test, obviously," Theo said as Draco glared at him.

"She won't get out of bed."

"Make her, and make sure she has a mask and gloves," Theo suggested.

"Ok, thanks, guys. While we are gone do you think you could come over and disinfect everything for me?" Draco pleaded.

"Of course," Blaise replied.

Draco hung up and went back to get Hermione. "Hermione, you have to get up. I am taking you for a Covid test."

Hermione slowly got up and put on the gloves and mask Draco handed her. She headed out the front door first and Draco followed, after washing his hands. They headed down to Draco's Tesla and drove to the nearest doctor. Once they were inside, the nurse brought Hermione into a room and left Draco in the waiting room. Draco was horrified. Hermione didn't deserve this; she only deserved the best in life. He looked at the date and realized what day was two weeks ago - June 5th. Someone must have just been carrying it without actually getting it. This detail only made Draco feel worse. If it hadn't been for his stupid birthday, she wouldn't have it. He was disgusted with himself. This must be karma for how horrible he treated her for all those years.

When Hermione and the nurse came out Draco stood up very quickly; silently waiting for the bad news. "Mr. Malfoy? We are sorry to inform you but your girlfriend has the virus. It is just a mild case so she can go home, but please inform us if she starts getting worse. To help her at home please go on the CDC and you can get info about taking care of a patient with Covid."

Once they were home, Hermione went back to her room and fell back asleep. Draco looked around and appreciated how fast Blaise and Theo cleaned. He went on the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and made a list of stuff to do to help Hermione. He brought her some ice water and a book when she woke up. "Draco, thank you for doing this," Hermione said which stopped Draco in his tracks. He slowly turned around and sat at the end of her bed.

"Hermione, please don't thank me. I feel so guilty. If it weren't for my birthday, you would still be healthy. I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you."

"Draco. Don't blame yourself. I am not going to die. You heard the nurse; I have a mild case." Hermione before coughing into her sleeve while Draco looked on in distress. After a while, Hermione fell asleep again and Draco went to wash his hands.

Over the next two weeks, Draco took care of Hermione and started to notice her getting better. Draco still couldn't help feeling guilty no matter how much Theo, Blaise, and Hermione said it wasn't his fault. He finally tried talking to the one person to whom he never thought he would - Harry Potter.

Harry answered on the first ring. "What's up, Draco? Is Hermione getting better?"

"Yes, she is much better. Harry, I have a question. Have you ever felt so guilty it's as though you can't get past it; like your days are just filled with guilt?"

"Yes, once. Last Christmas I got drunk and slept with another girl, Cho Chang. In the process, I cheated on my girlfriend of three years, Ginny Weasley. She walked in on us the next morning. She broke up with me but she's now married to Dean Thomas and very happy, but I never really got past it. Once I met Pansy, I started to feel a little better. I brought what happened up and she made me feel a whole lot better," Harry responded.

"...Harry, I am so sorry. That is horrible. Talking to you really helped, though," Draco said, shocked.

"It's okay, man. We are good, right?"

"Yeah, thanks again, Harry." Draco hung up.

Hermione soon got all the way better and Draco got over his guilt. Draco and Harry also got much closer. The doctor said that Draco should count himself very lucky for not getting Covid and everything was good once again.

Hey guys. I worked really hard on this chapter and did a lot of research on this. Sorry if the chapter was a little darker than normal. Hoped you liked it. Please comment and vote.

- Ms. Scarlet

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