1. Start of a new Job

Start from the beginning

"I've never seen someone so happy to be in a bookshop" you turned round and saw a tall, thin, handsome man smiling at you.

"S-Sorry I didn't mean to startle you, I just noticed you when you came in and you started smiling and I have never seen someone react to a bookshop that way and I don't know I guessed it kind of interested me" you smiled at the man.

"Don't worry I don't scare easily and I don't know, book shops just make me smile... Do you work here or are you a regular or something?" you asked.

"Neither actually, when I get a chance I come here but I have a busy schedule" replied the man

"I guess you're new to this book shop perhaps this area even?"

"Yes! how did you know?" you asked

"You asked if I worked here or was a regular suggesting you hadn't been here before"

"Ahh I see that's very observant of you" I chuckled

"Well I-I need to go, to get to w-work but it was nice talking to you, I don't really did that much"

"What talk or talk to strangers" you asked jokingly

"Actually neither I talk and talk to strangers a lot but that's usually for work so what I guess I meant I don't talk to anyone about something un-work related and not because my boss told me to" the man smiles and waves awkwardly begins to walk away. You smiled backed and then carried on browsing. As you continued to browse you fell into your own world where nothing else mattered. You read over the names of each book and it's author.

'Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austin'
'Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky'
'Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte'
'To kill a mocking bird - Harper Lee'
'Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy'

Suddenly you were brought back to reality by your phone ringing it was Laura of course, no one else called you, it wasn't like you had many friends.

"hey what's up I'm not late am I" you asked as you put the phone to your ear.

"What no are you on drugs it's only like 11:30! No I was just calling to say that woke up earlier than expected and thought maybe you would want to meet at 12 instead"

You didn't really care what time you met up with Laura, as long as you saw each other that's all that mattered.

"Yeah sure I'll see you in 30"

Laura hung up quickly, you left the book shop and made your way to Holmes diner. At 12 you stood outside the diner and waited for Laura. You waited for almost half an hour until she arrived. This annoyed you, Laura had never been good at time keeping, and you should have realised that sooner. It wasn't actually that cold outside, but it wasn't exactly warm. What more is that if you knew you were going to have to stand outside some dingy diner for 30 minutes you would had stayed in the book shop a little longer or gone out and found a good coffee shop.

Besides from Laura's terrible time keeping, the two had a great day and you felt the happiest you had in months. You walked around a large park that gave you a great view of the big capitol building. She pointed out every night club that she had gone to, and she followed them up with a funny story about how she got ridiculously drunk and ended up in strange situations.

You wouldn't go as far to say that Laura was an alcoholic, but she was a party animal and she did drink maybe a bit too much. Not that you could tell her to slow down, Laura did what she wanted, when she wanted, with who she wanted.

That night Laura insisted that she stay at your placed because as she put it 'my place is so far, I might get murdered if I leave now and you wouldn't want that on your conscience, would you?'

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