"You can make it up to me" he said as he pulled my closer I chuckled and looked up at him

"What is wrong with you today??"

"What your just irresistible" he said smiling at me I stood on my toes nd pecked his lips before I could pull away he picked me up and bit my lower lip

"Your not getting away " he said as he started walking to the stairs I kissed the back of his ear and he chuckled.....

We kinda know what happens next

Harry's pov

Jade's in the shower I'm downstairs on my phone

Lou: where are you lad??

                                   Hazza: be there soon xx

Lou: we know you have a very active sex life but please hurry - x pez x

                                    Hazza: lol why didn't you just text me through your phone??

Lou: get here soon lad x lou x

                                 Hazza: twenty minutes

I laughed and looked up when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs damn she's perfect , she had on my Obsession shirt and pair of Jeans on

"C'mon let's go!!" She said snapping me out of my thoughts

"Yeah , c'mon" I said as I grabbed the keys to the new Bends

"Baby" I said and she turned around I threw her the keys and she caught it

"Your driving" I said she smirked and we got into the car

After telling her what to do and what not to do we finally pulled out the driveway

"Radio??" I asked her and she nodded

Touch started playing and we sang and danced along to it

"Do you like it??" I asked

"Yeah , I do. Thanks" she said looking at me I smiled at her kissed her hand her left hand it looked like there was something missing

"Where's your promise ring??" I asked her

"On me finger" she responded

"Jade there's nothing on your finger"

"Well ay it's on me right hand finger" she said

"Well Ayy it's on me right hand finger" I mocked her accent and she gave me a look and then chuckled

"Ten years I know you and you still can't get me accent" she said as we pulled up outside Lou and El's place

I looked at her and she smiled at me , we got out and walked to the house and went in

"Hey guys!!" Perrie said as we walked in

"Hey"  we said as we made our way to where everyone was

"Okay , now can you tell us the news!!" Niall said as I sat down and Jade walked to the kitchen

"Well I'm pregnant!!" El yelled and everyone cheered I looked over at Jade and her drink went everywhere and everyone laughed

"I'm sorry Congratulations you two!!" She said I looked over at pez and she had a eyebrow raised at Jade

"Baby why are do have a soda??" She asked Jade and everyone stopped at stared at her

"Because it's 11:30 in the morning" she said as she took a sip of her soda

"And pep I need your help" Jade said and baby leigh squealed

"Sorry babs you can't come" she said and baby leigh pouted and everyone laughed

"Ohh and also come check out my birthday present" Jade said Lou gave me a knowing look since he was the one who gave me the idea

"Oh my God!!! You actually got her the car???!!" Perrie said as she hugged me

"Well I guess I need to upgrade my bends too" zayn said and everyone laughed

"Where's leigh??" I asked realizing she not here

"Oh she's at her mum's place" jesy said

"Well we'd love to stay but me and Perrie have some things to do" Jade said as she and pez got into the car

"Bye girls!!"

"Buh bye" they said and drove off while we made our way back inside

Stay tuned guys
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