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Plutarch spoke of earlier history
What lies beyond is surreality,
A land of marvels, poets and fabulists,
A time of doubts, time of obscurity;

E'er Arachne’s shuttle crossed Ovid’s loom,
Tyrian purple merged with rainbow skies,
Arc’s bow agleam in a myriad hues,
Melts the golden sun: oh! Fair nature’s eye!
To winters’ night: silv’ry silhouetted moon;

Apollo’s consort rejected his suit,
Cunning Cassandra coaxed Cupid’s soul-fire,
From playing with his feelings like a lute,
Seven starred god, deluded by desire,
Gifted her foresight, dreams, visions received,
Yet cursed by her cunning, n’er be believed,
Such was the plight, of Cassandra’s tragedy.

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