By the signs which came down from the heavens

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Anonymous poet, circa fourth century C.E.

Translated by Max Latham B.A. (Hons.) Classical Studies

Toward the North Wind parts of the Greater
And Lesser Bears revolve, and the Dragon.
After these Boötes the Bear-Keeper
And at the same moment the Northern Crown.
The constellations sinking, the Lyre,
The Bird, Ceph'us and Cassiop'ia,
Both the Augural Star and Perseus,
The Triangle and the constellation
Of Andromeda, and the Pegasus,
The Dolphin and the Arrow, the Eagle
And the Serpent-Bearer Ophio'cos;
And bearing the heavenly signs from there,
Twice six times and the stars fulfil this here:
Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer,
Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio,
Aquarius, her pitcher which she holds,
Capricorn and Pisces. Next Afterwards
Among the regions are the Southern Cross,
Orion the Hunter, Procyon the Fore-Dog,
Lepus the Hare, blazing Sirius
The Dog, with the Argos: Juno's, Hydrus
The Water Serpent, Chiron the Centaur,
Turibulum the Censer and also
The Fish, hence it attends the huge Whale
And at the same time Eridanus flows.

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