Chapter 9 - Hope

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        After my mother died, i was lost. I blamed myself for what happened to them. It's like i'm the reason they all left. I locked myself inside my room. My Aunt always check on me and i know she's so worried about me. I don't go out of my room unless i need coffee. Aunt Meg told me that Claire, My Bandmates always dropped by to see me. Rob, he always comes by and check on me and i feel bad that I'm quite distant and rude. I don't know why he's obligating himself over my well being but i'm grateful for everything he had done.

Two weeks later after burial...

        Aunt Meg and i were summoned on an office in Boston. Quite far from my Aunt's place here in New Jersey but we made it there. We are met by Atty. Lawrence McCain. We were led to a conference room. As we settled, Atty. McCain pushed through the subject right away. "Megan Swan, guardian, nearest and closest relative, most qualified to the custody of Ms Ivory Porter." Aunt Meg nodded as she frowned. "To cut the chase, you are ought to guide your niece to what was left of her mother here in Boston." We were dumbfounded and slightly shocked. "Your sister Emily Swan Porter has left a studio type apartment, a second hand Chevy Impala car, and a savings account under the name of Ms Ivory Porter, like a trust fund worth $30,000 dollars." He finished and we both had our mouth opened with awe. Aunt Meg retorted. "Thank you, but if i may ask, how did she earn all of this? Coz i have been slightly been parting to my sister's whereabouts." The lawyer smiled and nodded. "Well, the apartment and the car are only recently paid off as it was both had  installment contract.  As per the savings for Ms Porter she's been saving that for the time being ever since she got here. She worked as the secretary of a high end corporation." We just nodded and went through all the documents.

        The lawyer kindly drove us to where my mom's apartment located. It's a small apartment with one small bedroom, a toilet, a small counter that maybe she used as kitchen and a small space for a single sofa to fit in that makes it the living room. I went around and i found a picture of our family, my mom, my dad, and me happy at our backyard in our old house in New Jersey. I felt the water works from my eyes flowing non stop. I opened her night stand and saw an envelope with my name on it. I opened it and saw a necklace with a locket pendant with me and my mom's picture, and a letter from my mom.

My ever dearest Eve,
        I don't know how to start but i know that if you are reading this i might be gone. I'm sorry i have to be away from you. Ever since your father left me for another woman i was depressed. I couldn't take care of you nor love you wholly if i am broken. I burden myself to work so i can forget and provide you with what you need. I saved and saved so i can come back to you filthy and never to be apart from you. I was inspired by you my love. You're the only one i got. After all this years we're apart, i have never been happy but i strived hard so i could come back to you sooner. Forgive me darling if i was never there for you if only i was good enough for your father. You know how much i wanted to be the one to pick you your prom dress, fix your hair and make up. I want to be there but i can't, not yet sweetheart. I need to find myself again. As i got here i found a new job, a secretary and it pay me a fortune. I worked hard but after few years i found out that i have breast cancer stage 4. I felt shattered again but i ignored the fact that i only have few years to live but i just continued working, for you. I needed to see you before i leave. I'm so sorry sweetie, i know you've been through a lot and this is a lot to take in but i want you to move on with your life. I know i don't have more time but i will make the best out of this. I might go anytime, black out while driving, collapse on the street. I want you to be able to have a fresh start and i don't want you to grieve for me. I want you to be happy for me let alone the sadness my parting may bring you. I love you so much my darling, farewell my love i'll always guide you. Be good always. I love you sweetheart...Forgive me love.


        I cried and cried til my eyes were dry as i crushed my mom's letter to my chest. Aunt Meg just hugged me tight and she wiped my tears away. "I think you have grieved enough. we need to move on with our life now. So sweetie what do you want to do about this apartment and the car? Do you want to keep them?" She asked. "I think i'll just sell this. I don't want to be far from you. You're the only family i got now. And i will only just remember mom and grieve more." I sniffed. "So i guess i'll have to talk things over with the lawyer so we could go back home as soon as possible. But we have to eat first i'm starving. Now off you go, freshen up a little and we'll go." I just nodded and went to wash my face. I put on some lip gloss and powder. I went outside and lock the door.

        We drove my mom's car to a diner. We immediately ate and went back to the lawyers office. "We're here for Mr McCain." I told the blonde behind the desk with a super small blouse that pops out her cleavage. "Please follow me." she stood up and walks like a duck in her slutty skirt. She led us to his office. "Good afternoon ladies! So, are you ready to sign papers?" He asked. "Well, actually we have better idea. I want to sell both the car and the apartment. Then the savings, i want it to be transferred in New Jersey." He nodded "Very well, so let's sign some papers first to state that you claim everything." We agreed and signed the papers. He handed me a copy. "Okay, so that's all yours. Now about the selling, i guess that's your call now." i thanked him and we bid our good byes.

        We went next to the bank to transfer the money and head back to my mom's apartment. As we drove back, my phone rang. I fished out my phone and saw the caller id, Rob Panes.
"Hello Rob." I greeted. "Hi Eve... I just want to check on you. I went to your Aunt's house and i think you guys went out." He said in a husky manly sexy voice. I shivered and felt his presence though we're just talking on the phone. "S-sorry Rob i forgot to tell you me and Aunt Meg are here in Boston. We are summoned here by my mom's trusted lawyer. And i think we wont be back till next week." I heard him sigh "Well it's great to hear from you. I think being away for a while will help you think things out. So i guess i'll just see you when you get back. Just let me know if you need any help." I smiled as i imagine him worried about me and to think that this billionaire is so sweet to a messed up girl like me. (WOW!) "Thank you so much Rob, for everything. I'm so grateful to have you even with the short length of time we've been acquainted." He just chuckled "Don't mention it silly. By the way, i have a surprise for you but i'd be able to blurt it out when you get back. So i guess i'll just see you around! Bye!" Just like that he hang up on me. I grinned but was left hanging. He's teasing me.

         I was so deep in my thoughts that i didn't notice we arrived. When we got in the apartment i slumped at the couch while Aunt Meg made us dinner. I feel drained. After having our dinner i took a nap. It was 7 in the evening when i woke up. Aunt Meg also fell asleep at the bed. I wanted to ho around Boston so i took the car keys and scribble a note for my aunt. I drove around as a very delicious smell fill my nostrils. I followed it and led me down to a restaurant. I went inside and check it out. As i order, i caught a glimpse of someone i think i know. I messaged Claire as i wait for my order.

Hey C what's up? I missed you! I'm at Boston. Might take us a while probably till next week.

Hey bestie! I'm glad to hear you're outside your cage! What's up with Boston? You alone?

I'm with Aunt Meg. We're here to check out what mom left here. Turned out i have an apartment, a car and a trust fund.

Woah! So you're gonna move there? You're gonna leave your best friend here?

No silly! I'm gonna sell it and buy my own apartment and car there.

Whew! I thought you're leaving me behind. Well good for you. See you soon E!

See you when i get back.

        My order came and it's luscious smell made my mouth water. It's a well done steak with mashed potato and a vegetable salad o the side. I sliced a piece and take a bite. It's outstanding flavor made me moan. I have never tasted anything like this before. I've tried every steak at Jersey but this is different. I continued eating as i sense someone glancing at me as i ate my meal with satisfaction. I felt better ever since. I raise my hopes up and push through with my life. With the money i am going to make and what my mom left me with is enough to make me start a new chapter of my life.

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