Chapter 2 The Coffee Shop

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**Edited by XChangeOfHeartX**

Picture of Michal-------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Michal's POV

I woke up just before dawn, as always, ever since my 17th birthday, and the first thing that ran through my mind was herI have to know her name. It was probably something rare and beautiful like her.

I got out of bed and dressed in dark wash jeans and a tight black t-shirt. I might as well show off the muscles, besides, it'll probably turn her on. Thinking about her only made me want to hurry, so I ran downstairs and grabbed an apple and a granola bar. On my way out the house, I snatched up my car keys and cell phone and dialed Blake's number.

"Blake Simmons speaking," he answered.

"Blake, it's me, meet me at the coffee shop near the group home in 30 minutes."

"Michal, it's barely dawn!" 

"I can't wait any longer Blake. All I can think about is her." Her blazing, red hair, her gorgeous, blue eyes, her creamy, fair skin...

"OK man, I'll be there."

"Thanks, Blake. See you in a few."

"Michal, just don't do anything stupid ‘til I get there," he warned.

"I won't. Bye."

I hung up the phone and tossed it into the passenger seat. I was almost to the coffee shop, and the proximity to her was unbearable. She was less than five minutes away, and I couldn't stand it.

I pulled into the parking lot and got out, grabbing my cell. I started towards the door to get my caffeine fixed when I smelled her. She had been here recently. I yanked open the door and scanned the tables, holding my breath. There she was, sigh, in the back, alone with a half eaten muffin and a cup of coffee on the table. She was staring at her coffee like it could give her all the answers to her questions.

Damn. She is so breathtaking.

I wanted to go straight to her, but she would think that I was some freaky pedophile. I went up to the counter, ordered a cappuccino with cinnamon, and went to sit down where I could watch her without being noticed.


Raya's POV

When I woke up, I knew it was dawn before I even looked out the window. I'd started waking up at dawn about the same time that I'd started going outside every night.

I got up and dressed in my favorite skinnies, a black cami and my black suede boots. The moment I looked in the mirror, I knew that my hair was going to be evil today, and so, I just pulled it up into a ponytail. I swiped on some black mascara and black eyeliner, grabbed my purse and headed for the coffee shop.

I pulled in and parked my huge Ford in the back—it never fit in the tiny spaces up front. I went in and ordered my usual, a cappuccino with heavy cream and marshmallows and a banana nut muffin. I sat in my booth in the back alone, per usual, and started eating.

I kept thinking about that wolf. It was a quiet and handsome animal, though wolves don't have dark brown coats. It must have been a hybrid. Why did I snarl at it though? It was just too weird. I still couldn't figure it out. I sat there, my muffin half gone, staring into my coffee, thinking. I heard the door open and looked up. I'm normally the only one here this early in the morning.

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