Chapter II

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Yeonjun's P.O.V

"Yeonjun, pass me that block of hay there," I hear Soobin say

I walk over to the small pile and throw him the block going back to filling the water tanks.

"Can't believe in a couple of days the barn will be full of city hotties" I say to Soobin

"Even with those 'hotties' you still need to get your work done" Soobin gives me a stare

"You have no sense of humor," I say to 'all work, no fun' Soobin

Evening struck rather quickly and Soobin and I were sent to clean the housing place where the group of students would be staying.

"I wonder why they chose to have a trip here in Evenly of all places" Soobin strikes up a conversation while we work

"Probably the cheapest"

Soobin laughs "Probably, dad is always too kind with things. How many days are left anyway?"

"Three. They come on Monday"

"Great, we are going to busy all weekend, get ready"


The day started rather normal until a flood of students started roaming around. They have been here for two hours and it already feels like an eternity.

"What are you doing?" A short girl with light brown hair asks, she was pretty cute

"This right here? It's called milking a cow" I smile making her shy

"Wow, I've only seen it in movies. Can I try?" The girl asks

After her question a group of girls comes wanting to try. I stand up and flash a cheeky smile.

"You girls wanna try?" I ask smirking knowing they won't be able to get milk out "alright, let me go get a rope to tie her back legs for you, so you don't get hurt" I wink at the small girl who originally asked me

"It's all right, I got one," Soobin says, coming up from behind, he was milking another cow and had just finished. He then swiftly ties the cows back legs

"I'll go get another one, we can't leave them hanging, you do that one with a couple of them and I'll rail in another one"

Soobin nods and helps a girl hop over the fence. I leave everyone staring at Soobin in awe as he let's the girls try to milk the cow. As I walk to get another rope, a girl walks in front of me on the other side of the fence, her head glued to her phone, typical city girl. I was going to ignore her, but the girl was too cute to let pass by.

"You're going to trip and fall, city girl!"

Like I had just told her to do so, the girl trips almost falling, but quickly catches her balance and looks up to find who had spoken to her. I smirk at the cute situation in front of me

"Don't worry, country boy, I'm used to it"

"Who you calling country boy?" I say acting offended

"Who you calling a city girl?" the girl walks up to me and leans on the fence

The girl's face showed no expression, but I could tell she was scanning my face. I snicker, look away and move closer to her since she leaned next to me on the fence. I grab the rope next to her and look at her straight in the eyes.

"You know how to milk a cow?" I ask

"I don't know, never tried" the girl finally smirks slightly

She had long black hair put up in a ponytail with a light pink hat and strands of hair falling to her side, I found that attractive.

"Nah, I doubt it, you need strength to do it, and by the looks of it, you don't seem to have any" I say teasing her

"Are you judging me by my looks, country boy?" She asks smiling

"I don't know, am I?"

"Elle, what are you doing? We're waiting for you" I hear a guys voice farther behind her, but she doesn't react to it and keeps staring at me

"Give me a minute, gotta teach this country boy how to milk a cow" She smirks keeping her eyes on me and without a warning jumps over the fence

"You're going to teach ME how to milk a cow, Elle?" I ask sarcastically

"Ellaneen for you" She says taking the rope from my hand

She walks ahead and walks up to the cow, I speed up not wanting the cow to hurt her.

"Ellaneen? What are you doing?" I hear a girl asks, but Ellaneen doesn't respond

"I'll tie her feet" I say swiftly taking the rope from her hands and keeping a smile on my face

She shrugs, sits on the stool, puts the bucket that was next to her under the cow and starts pulling on the cow's nipples quickly, and there, in one try, the milk was coming out. I stood there a little shocked as everyone had their eyes on her as she kept milking the cow perfectly. Soobin was also watching a little astonished as he and the girl he was teaching how to milk the cow was also starring.

She stands up, dusts her hands and turns to me with a smile on her face.

"I guess I did know, whelp, bye country boy" She smiles and starts walking off

"Where did you learn to do that?"

"Yeah where did you learn?"

The girls ask, but Ellaneen ignores them. I watch as she jumps the fence again and runs to the boy who was waiting for her. Once she is out of my sight I bring my attention back to the girls, who were bad mouthing Ellaneen, the girl who just left. I ignore it and smile.

"Why don't you hop over?" I say helping a girl over the fence who had two long pigtails. I try to focus on the cute girls all around me, but I just can't get THAT stupid city girl out of my head. 

"Country Girl" TXT FFWhere stories live. Discover now