Beginning of 2nd Year Dance

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"No way."

"Come on!"

"Shut up."

"Don't be such a stick-in-the-mud, Togami-kun!"

He didn't listen. Togami stood and took a straight beeline to the parking lot, which made me laugh, because I thought he was kidding.

I stopped laughing when he got in the car, realizing that that was my ride home. 

I ran as quick as possible to the already moving vehicle, before he finally stopped to let me in. The inside scene was quite laughable, probably because Togami was laugh-ing

"Well, that's a shocker. You never laugh."

He chuckled at that, watching as I put on my seatbelt. "I am human, you know."

"Really? Is that so? I couldn't tell, Togami." I sit back and hook my suit on the little handle thingy on the car door, seeing that Togami had already done the same.

"About the earlier conversation..." I grin, crossing my arms.

"I said no." He adjusted the rearview mirror to stare at me, eyebrows raised. "I am not wearing a ladies dress to the school dance, you moron."

I shrugged, looked out the window, waited and waited until we got to the dorm to change. I stood behind him as he unlocked the door, eyeballing the back of his head.

"You know, it's real embarrassing how short I am compared to you."

It was followed by silence as he opened the door to let me in. That made me feel a little uneasy, but I ignored it and set the suits on the bed. Life. Was. Good. Since the broken glass incident, we've made up, without words because his ego would never call for that. Never. In fact, our relationship has actually been improving. We're friends, in my head, but I haven't risked checking his diary for what he feels about me. Hopefully something good.

I checked to make sure nobody was around and started to change. I'm not taking off my boxers, and we're both guys, so if Byakuya were to leave the bathroom it wouldn't be an issue. I pulled on the black pants and blazer, combing out my hair and putting in a breath mint. I was all set, so I scrolled through Instagram on my phone while waiting for my roommate.

"Naegi, please come here." I turned to the bathroom and walked forwards, knocking. Instantly, I heard a nervous "Come in," to which I complied.

I am dead.

My soul is in Heaven,

Makoto Naegi is with the angels.

Well- I'm with an issue right now. The first thing I see is Togami in an all white suit  and pink vest, and he looks nervous. He eyed me, causing a lovestruck shiver to go down right by my spine.

I expected him to say something, anything, but he didn't.

He didn't say anyhing, because Byakuya's lips met mine in a single swoop, and his hand is running through my hair.

...Wait, what?


sorry for the short chapter it's 2am

Oh, How Time Flies.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora