Diary Entries

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A/N: ay yo I realized I don't want to write anything in Togami's POV so this story'll be just Naegi's POV likely for the rest of the story aight cool bye


Whoever invented algebra should be put into a killing game, and I don't even know what a killing game IS.

I loomed over my math homework, grumbling. It was two months after the incident with the cut and I'd pretty much given up on trying to talk to the heir, since he was pretty distant anyways. My mind wandered to Kiyotaka Ishimaru, one of my classmates, and I figured I'd take him up on his offer. Earlier in class, he offered to tutor anyone who needs it. 

I stood up and began to head to the door, when I saw Byakuya's desk drawer slightly open. That was odd already, because he had always been so neat and perfect. I looked over at the door, down at the desk, and sighed. Algebra can wait. 

I slipped my hand into the drawer and opened it fully, now officially snooping. Most of his belongings consisted of boring school things, like pens, paper, and assignments, but there was one notebook that stood out as thicker than the rest, so I grabbed it out and flicked to the most recent page.

April 18

Dear diary,

I widened my eyes and looked down, covering my mouth. The esteemed Byakuya Togami wrote in a diary? And he even began the entries with "Dear Diary,"? He must be softer than I thought! I kept reading.

High school is so meaningless. All I need is to wait for graduation, then father's retirement. Surely the government can't truly think that there's anything new they can teach me. The only decent thing I can think of that makes life here worth it is my roommate. I'm not implying that I'd perish if I didn't have Naegi, but rather that he's better than the other options. I'm simply glad that he doesn't bother me or act too much as a nuisance. He is rather touchy, however, and a little bit childish. If anything, it's a comforting presence to know that he wouldn't mess with me or pull anything elementary age.

That's all for today.

That certaintly came as a shock. I always thought he despised me because of his attitude. But, rather, he was okay with me. What a huge relief. I couldn't help but wonder what he had written about the incident with the broken glass, so I flipped back to closer to the beginning of the book and looked at the date.

February 10

Dear diary

I slipped up horribly earlier. Naegi was in bed, so I tried to make some tea to relax me to sleep, but i cut my forehead on the cabinet and dropped the mug to shatter. Naegi attempted to help and got a first aid kit, but that would only tarnish my reputation further so I swatted his hand away. I'll never understand that. His hand... it was rather warm. How odd. It's only been about an hour from writing this to the feeling, but I already long to feel his touch again. I hope that writing this out on paper suppresses these inappropriate feelings, even though my thoughts are attacking me over it as I write this. I miss feeling his warmth.

I didn't understand why at the time, but my heart was beating rapidly after reading that entry. I quickly set the book back and closed the drawer, for fear of being caught, and head to the door. I opened it with one hand, homework in the other, and pulled it open, putting me face to face with Togami himself.

"T-Togami-kun!" I sputtered, face an aggressive pink. He stared down at me from his superior height and raised an eyebrow, pushing me out of the way as he stepped into the room and closed the door.

I was trapped.

"What is it, Naegi?" He sighed out, sitting down at the desk I had just intruded in.

Well, I couldn't just tell him that I had been all up in his belongings, so instead I said one of the most dangerous things I could do to myself at that time.

"I need help with homework." I knew that if I said that I'd be in big trouble with my feelings, having to hide a huge blush, but I assumed that he'd brush me off and tell me no. 

"Fine. What subject?" That didn't go as planned.

I brought a chair over to sit next to him and set the page down on the wood, pulling out a pencil. "Algebra," I said in a bored tone.

He began to look at it and describe what I had been doing wrong, pointing to different things on the page before ultimately pulling out his own page altogether. He showed me his work and pointed to the problems, saying things that I didn't understand and couldn't care less about. No, no, what I cared about instead was watching his face rather than hand. He had this little twinkle in his eyes whenever he corrected something I did incorrectly, and at the angle from which I was viewing him from, I had the perfect view of his jawline, curved and... well, handsome. You couldn't deny it even if you were a married, heterosexual male. That was what intrigued me about the Togami family. If you lined up young pictures of all the ancestors, they'd look almost exactly the same. They must have genes of steel, I swear it. Nonetheless, as Togami blabbed over math, I swooned over his looks. He was just... so.. enchanting...


"Huh?" I looked up and shook away the thoughts, gulping in a big breath of air. 

"Are you even paying attention? Your lip is bleeding!" I looked down and tasted a bit of iron, widening my eyes. "Oh, I... didn't even notice." He took his thumb and placed it on my lip in order to wipe off the blood. He hesitated before removing his hand and stood up, turning around.

"There. Clearly, you weren't paying attention, so I'll be leaving." He made for the door and quickly removed himself from the awkward situation, leaving me there to blush and think about what I'd done.

I wonder if I like him....

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