Raunchy Races - Day 15

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"It was nice, we may have had a little kiss, but nothing more than that."

"Good for you girl!"

Her cheeks flushed red.

"It's not strange!" Felix's voice carried over from the pool.

"Like, what else do ducks eat?" Lottie and I gave each other a quizzical look.

"Um, pond stuff?" Elijah said.

"Nah, pond stuff? No it's bread innit? When have you seen ducks eat anything else?" Felix sounded so sure of himself.

"I once gave a duck some of my crisps!" Chelsea grinned. "It bit my fingers trying to get them, I didn't even realise they could bite!"

"Okay fine, crisps and bread then. I literally cannot think of anything else ducks would eat. Cara what did you think?" Felix turned to me, really? This was the conversation we were having?

I sighed.

"I don't know Felix, seeds and stuff? Isn't bread bad for them? Like it bloats them up or something?"

"That's something ducks and I have in common, can't even have a bite of toast in the morning without bloating up like a baby whale!" Hope said.

"What, no way is bread bad for ducks."

"It is." Felix's eyes widened at the sound of Kassam's voice.

"Huh? How would you know Kaz?"

Kassam cringed at the nickname.

"Don't call me that. My names Kassam." He furrowed his brow. "And ducks shouldn't eat bread, it's what my song, 'Don't feed the ducks' is about."

"Oh I know that one!" Priya piped up.

"Huh, I had no idea."

"Why didn't you say something sooner mate, we could've avoided this whole conversation." Graham said, Kassam just shrugged in response.

"As riveting as this conversation is..."

"Don't you start, we've heard all about your 'Duck of the Day' Instagram page, Marisol."

"Hey! That's completely different!"

"Argh, can we please talk about something that's not duck related."

"Like dogs?" Arjun perked up.

"No animals, please!" Lottie begged.

"Alright then, boys, tell us your moves! How do you usually get a girls number?" Hope asked.

"Oh this I'd like to hear!" Marisol said, playfully tapping Graham's thigh.

"Alright lads, who's going first then?" Graham chuckled.

"Well, I guess..."

"Me! So, like when I'm in the clubs, giving it all this.." Felix interrupted Elijah and mimicked using a turntable and held imaginary headphones to his ear.

"I keep my eyes peeled during the gig, to see which girl is giving me the look.."

I glanced at Kassam, who stifled a laugh and rolled his eyes. We all knew Felix was just a club promoter, not a DJ.

"Then, when I see her I get her a drink, and her friends too. I have to show her I'm a nice guy and all. And they're all like 'where did this drink come from?' And the barman points up to me at the decks and I give her a nod, you know. Game over." He grinned.

"Mate there's not way that works." Graham smirked at him.

"It does! At least one in every ten times!"

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