Chapter 17 - Foxy Foxes

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I had to include my favorite boys ;)

Finally you had some times to relax, the boys were at an away game that you didn't have to attend- so you had the whole house to yourself.. You assumed today was going to be a calm selfcare day, but boy were you wrong. 


(Shockingly) You made some friends at school, and they invited you out to the mall today. Mika Skurita, and Tize Wato. Both were a grade higher than you. It seemed like they were just trying to use you to get closer to the volleyball boys at first- but you've grown to like em'

You were a bit scared- you've never really been publicly invited to hang out with girls before, your nerves getting worse and worse as you headed to the train station. 

" I can't do this! " You huffed out, instantly stopping in your tracks and dropping into a ball. 

" Excuse me. can you move- " 

' Crap. ' you thought- you didn't realize someone was walking behind you. You hesitatingly turned around-. Trailing your eyes up the male's body, this man clearly had fashion sense. You stopped the moment you locked eyes with a yellowish olive pair. 

" hmp- this is so boring.. " He tsked out, looking away in annoyance. 

You finally snapped back to reality and jumped up and out of his way. 

" You shouldn't really block people's paths. " The man added in, before he walked straight past you. 

' What's his problem.. " You mumbled to yourself, letting out a sigh at the sight of your scratched up knees. You just wanted to go home now- but the other girls were probably at the station already. You pulled yourself together before heading back towards the station- making sure to not block anyone else's path on the way. 


" (Y/N)! You made it! " Mika squealed out, pulling you into a tight embrace,

" Are you okay- your knees are all scratched up.. " Tize questioned- pushing up her glasses as she spoke. 

" Aha- Yeah, of course I'm fine.. " You nervously chuckled out-.. Mika gave you a nod in response, and grabbed your hand. 

" Well come on! We've got lots of shopping to cover! " She chuckled out, dragging you down the station. Mika was the type of person anyone would want to be, she was bright and cheery- you were in awe by the way she lit up any situation. 

" Yeah.. " You chuckled out, letting yourself get dragged by the ball of sunshine. 


" Hey (Y/N) Are you dating Oikawa? " Mika questioned- her tone was a lot less bubbly as usual. You could tell she was tense- 

" No.. Of course not- " You chuckled out, trying to lighten the mood-

" Oh! " she let out a giggle " Makes sense.. I mean come on we're talking about Oikawa here. " She added in, smiling before she headed off to the counter to pay- leaving you. 

' what's that supposed to mean- ' you thought to yourself- that comment really jabbed ya' in the gut. 

" Whatever. you're the bigger person here (y/n) I bet she didn't mean it that way. " You mumbled to yourself, tightly shutting your eyes as you tried to convince yourself everything was okay. ' I've got this. ' you mumbled- taking a step forward.- letting out a wince as you make head on head contact with something hard. 

" Yer' a bit clumsy there.. " you hear a huskier voice snicker out. 

' goddammit I cant ever catch a break from these guys- should I just turn lesbain. ' you thought to yourself- looking up slightly annoyed at who it could be this time. 

" Sorry. " You huffed out- making eye contact with the blondie in front of you. ' do I know him? ' you could have sworn you recognized his face from somewhere. 

" Tsumu' get yer shit mouthed ass over here- Suna is waiting outside. " A male with greyish hair- and THE SAME FACE? 

You looked at the two in pure shock(Your dumbass completely forgot twins were a thing for a second). 

" Hm? Tsumu' is this another one of your dumb fangirls.. We don't have time for this" The male with gray hair grumbled  out, shooting you a glare of annoyance. 

" I wish, " Atsumu sighed, turning back towards you. " I'm sorry to cut our moment short darling- Till next time.. " He stated- pulling the back of your hand to his lips, leaving a small peck. 

You instantly pulled away your hand in shock- covering it with your other. " Hey-! Who- " Before you could get your words out, the two were leaving the store. 

You turned back around and slammed your head against the wall lightly- over and over again. 
" I. Can't. Catch. A. Goddamn. Break. Lord. Save. Me. " 


I've decided It would be easier for everyone if I published a 800-1,500 word chapter every other day and one 1,500-3,000 word chapter every week. If you have any suggestions don't be scared to tell em'!  

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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