Chapter 7 - Detore

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Me writing 7 chapters in a row, and not understanding if I'm even typing english anymore^


Daichi, and Suga had been looking around for you since the morning. Expecting you to pop up out of nowhere when they were about to leave. But Karasuno's golden girl never showed up,  she abandoned them.

" Not even Hinata, or Kageyama could convince her to stay.. Could they? " Nishinoya weakly mumbled out.

" Nope.. " Tanaka sighed out.

" Well, we can't let that ruin our trip! " Daichi announced to the others, the bus stayed silent. Daichi was trying his best to fire up the others, but truthful with you gone, it blew out everyone's flame once again-

Even Coach Ukai was off, the daughter he had just gotten a hold of- already left. 

That's when everyone's phones went off,

From y/n

Hey guys, my flight departs in an hour, I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer.. I wish I did.. Thank you, everyone for everything. I'll remember to stay in contact dorks!

Daichi let out a sigh, and Suga did the unexpected. He stood up and ran over to Coach Ukai, yelling on the top of his lungs.

" Let's go to the airport and get our golden girl back! " The strain in his voice was enough for Coach Ukai to swerve the bus into the nearest exit lane.

" How long is the drive to the airport? " Hinata yelled out,

" Fifty- minutes, " Asahi responded

" Will we even make it..? " Kageyama stated in slight defeat, but Daichi's reassuring nod gave him a glimmer of hope.

Just like that, the glimmer of getting you back ignited the flame of the team.

Everyone holding onto their seats, as their coach flew down the highway.


You let out a deep sigh when no one responded to your email. ' I'd be mad too.. ' she mumbled to herself as she sat down, Cooper laying on her feet- trying to comfort her. Time was ticking slowly, every minute felt like hours to her. Until she heard her flight get called- for some odd reason she felt the need to wait. She grew impatient- the feeling to wait becoming stronger and stronger. Until they called for her flight one last time.

' I have to go.. " You started to take a deep breath as you walked towards the departure lane.

You paused- waiting, as if you expected the team to come running to get you back; but the harsh sting of reality bubbled up. This wasn't some anime, where everything ended perfectly.. which was pretty ironic because- 

" (y/n)! " A familiar set of voices called out,

Your heart dropped- you didn't turn around, but your face lit up at the sound of their voices.

" Please.. Don't go, " Kageyama yelled out, the voices of the other team members agreeing.

You turned around, a soft smile on your face.

Everyone was there- out of breath, holding their arms out to bring you back. home.


' Well that was a rollercoaster of emotions.. ' you thought to yourself, it was an hour into the drive. Karasuno was more than an hour late to the camp already- and there was still a lot of the ride left. The team was peacefully sleeping, but you couldn't bring yourself to nap.

" You caused a lot of trouble.. " Tsuki grumbled out, shooting you a look,

" I know- " You trailed off, looking at Hinata. He had knocked out on your shoulder, and Kageyama knocked out on your other.

" But- " Tsuki continued on, looking away as he spoke. " You did lighten the mood of the team.. "

You let out a chuckle, Tsuki didn't really know how to be nice. However he was getting better at it.

Well, Coach Nekomata did not let Karasuno get away with being so late. The whole team got a earful of scolding, and everyone glared at y/n,

" Sorry-! " You cooed out, smiling at the others.

Truthfully, no matter how much trouble you caused in a short amount of time. The team couldn't stay mad at you for long. 


* Whispers, * It's free real estate...

Haikyuu's Golden Girl ( Reader X Haikyuu )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin