Have you ever been in love Mela?

Mulai dari awal

I went and took a piss before changing to new clothes. And washing my face once again, I looked at myself in the mirror for maybe a minute. As I thought.

" If the devil knew what lyes inside your brain, he himself would be terrified "


I went to the cafeteria , as expected she wasn't there I kept waiting, it was 9:11 now. Suddenly a figure slammed their hands and nose?? on the window of the cafeteria, and looked inside, it was her, Mela ... she looked like a complete idiot.

When she saw me she kinda gasped and entered quickly, she sat in front of me and picked her hands apologizing to me for being late

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

When she saw me she kinda gasped and entered quickly, she sat in front of me and picked her hands apologizing to me for being late.

" don't worry about it " i smiled instead of slapping her hard across the face.

She showed me the homework that gave her. I checked it out to be surprised they were correct most of them. If she cheated she really would be stupid. I showed her this one mistake and explained it to her.

I started writing some math problems for her to solve. She must have studied well because her answers were correct. I started a new lesson when I was sure that she understood.

Time flew and we were studying like for five hours, taking breaks from then and then. This time she was a fast learner for some reason.

We ordered lunch, she wanted to have a large burger and a coke like myself, I was surprised finally a normal girl not a " a plate of salad though I'm hungry af " kinda girl.

I wanted to know al lot  about her, all the girls that I've dealt with in my life was kinda the same. Even their sense of fashion. " I don't wear but Gucci~ what do u mean you don't wear brand! I can never get outta house wearing none brand clothes on~ " 🙄 I started imagining them in my head. Ugh.

" Mela, what do you want to study after you finish school? " a glow of love appeared in her eyes I never saw before as a smile appeared as well. She opened her notebook and there I saw a beautifully drawn elephant so detailed like a real photograph. I was amazed.

" wow~ " I was even surprised from myself I was really complementing someone honestly not faking it " You want to be an artist I see "

She nodded happily with close eye smile, who knew this dumb girl could do so much. I didn't notice but I've been staring at her passionate eyes for like 20 seconds.

 I didn't notice but I've been staring at her passionate eyes for like 20 seconds

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
Oh Sangwoo X OC [killing stalking]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang