(Just change hairstyle, add spear and those tattoos. I like them)

''I am Naruto King of Mages and reincarnation of Solomon. Goetia. It is I who shall read you your last rites.'' Said Naruto, Caster with double skill of Lancer in which he trained his body and practiced with spear before Solomon became part of him, staring with his now golden eyes at Goetia. Meanwhile all were shocked, even Goetia more than ever. All expected it was Solomon, but to think it was Naruto is actually his reincarnation...

''...Life always come to an end. Life is a pilgrimage of suffering. But it is not a story of death and separation. Goetia, embodiment of all my sins, Beast born from my corpse... I shall pass judgement on your evil with my own hands.'' Said Naruto like Goetia did that to him too. Well he did, since Solomon is now part of him too.

Goetia finally got over his shock and laughed ''This was so unexpected! I didn't know how to react at first, but you even act like him too! Now that it's already over, mankind's oldest fool, this worthless king, makes an appearance!'' and here acknowledging and talking to Naruto as he was Solomon. 

''You are no match against us as a mere Heroic Spirit! The only one could stop me was the real, living you! Just what power do you have in death!? I'll blast that empty head of yours into oblivion!'' Shouted out Goetia.

''Doctor...!'' Shouted out Ritsuka in worry.

''Yeah. Okay, this is for me to do.'' Whispered Naruto to himself before he said aloud ''Don't worry. It won't take long. Then it's your turn.''

''Goetia. Shame of my years. Beast born from my corpse. Here and now I will pass judgement on your evil with my own hands.'' Said Naruto floating little.

''Do not make me laugh, Naruto! What can you do!? Nothing!'' Said Goetia before appearing in front of Naruto and sending punches at fast speed while Naruto dodged some of them, but not all getting some damage eventually.

''An incompetent king, with only talk as empty as his dreams!'' Shouted out Goetia returning to his previous position with his arms spread ''Die! Die! Die!'' and sent powerful purple blasts of magic at him where Naruto dodged some of them, but other striking him adding more damage to him. Meanwhile those from Chaldea were worried seeing Naruto receive all that damage.

''As I thought, just empty words! You, just like your previous life Solomon, are nothing but talk, fool! Just die! I will send you to your death with your own Noble Phantasm!'' Shouted out Goetia and red aura surrounded him at that moment.

''That's the plan. I will be extinguished by my own Noble Phantasm. This is my end.'' Replied Naruto back making Goetia confused who answered ''...What?''

In that moment golden aura surrounded Naruto ''Goetia. I will teach you one last magecraft. You knew of King Solomon's final Noble Phantasm, but you didn't know its True Name... No, you could never know its True Name.

(Skip to 1:40)

''The Time of Birth Hath Come, I am the Remedy of Eternity.''

''Time of Coronation Hath Come, I am the Beginning of Eternity.''

And finally... ''Time of Parting Hath Come, I am He Who Surrenders the World.''

''...Ars Nova.''

At that moment golden light blinded all again for a second before it disappeared.

''My own Noble Phantasm will destroy me. It will be the end of King Naruto and Solomon.'' Said Naruto and when Chaldeans heard he will die, they all started crying.

Meanwhile Goetia started to roar feeling power leaving him. After all, what this Noble Phantasm is doing is that Naruto returns all gifts and power which Solomon got from God and before his death returned it to him. It is a one miracle performed by his past life. And now when Naruto used that, Reality Marble in which they were will be now starting to collapse.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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